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Cybersecurity concerns front and center as online voting expected to shape future elections

Online voting is likely to shape future election cycles, according to a study from OneLogin. 59% of respondents expect online voting will become a reality within five years. …

20% of credential stuffing attacks target media companies

The media industry suffered 17 billion credential stuffing attacks between January 2018 and December 2019, according to a report from Akamai. The apparent fourfold increase in …

New threat environment elements and global attack trends

There has been an increase in both cyberattack volume and breaches during the past 12 months in the U.S. This has prompted increased investment in cyber defense, with U.S. …

Data professionals: Job security and shifting career priorities in the wake of the pandemic

Despite the huge drops in employment and the immense worries around job security over the past three months, 81% of data professionals felt as, or more, secure in their role …

Email impersonations becoming pervasive, preying on a distracted and dispersed workforce

Impersonations have become pervasive, and are by far the most prevalent type of email-based attack ending up in business’s inboxes. This is according to a survey report by …

Businesses express concerns around ethical risks for their AI initiatives

Businesses are entering a new chapter in AI implementation where early adopters may have to work harder to preserve an edge over their industry peers, according to Deloitte. …

Is DNS a vital component of your security strategy?

Security and risk (S&R) teams often use DNS to detect and block threats early in the kill chain, identify compromised devices, and investigate and respond to malware, an …

2020: The year of increased attack sophistication

There was an increase in both cyberattack volume and breaches during the past 12 months in the U.S. This has prompted increased investment in cyber defense, with U.S. …

Security alerts more than doubled in the last 5 years, SecOps teams admit they can’t get to them all

Sumo Logic announced the findings of a global survey that highlight the barriers security professionals are facing on the path to modernizing the security operations center …

70% of organizations experienced a public cloud security incident in the last year

70% of organizations experienced a public cloud security incident in the last year – including ransomware and other malware (50%), exposed data (29%), compromised accounts …

BYOD adoption is growing rapidly, but security is lagging

As the shift to remote work has increased, most businesses are embracing BYOD in the workplace. In a survey by Bitglass, 69% of respondents said that employees at their …

Managers and employees support digital transformation, but see room for improvement

Digital transformation has widespread support among managers and employees, but some think that the pace of change at their companies could be faster, they could be more …

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