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High-risk vulnerabilities discovery increased 65% in 2020

2020 has been a record year for crowdsourced cybersecurity adoption, with enterprises across all industries implementing crowdsourced cybersecurity programs to keep up with …

road sign
Most IT decision makers don’t trust data, but 54% still use it to make decisions

77% of IT decision makers (ITDMs) don’t completely trust the data within their organization for timely and accurate decision making, according to SnapLogic. With 98% of those …

Researchers expose the stress levels of workers at different job positions

A Unify Square survey unveils key perspectives of enterprise employees on workplace collaboration and communication in the midst of the global pandemic. Findings highlight …

open source
Open source contributors spending no time on security

The Linux Foundation’s Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF) and the Laboratory for Innovation Science at Harvard (LISH) announced the release of a report which details …

Industrial pros looking for a more focused approach to digital transformation

A highly focused approach to digital transformation is challenging the traditional top-down, all-or-nothing strategy, according to a report from Plutoshift. The findings …

Key cybersecurity problems expected to mark 2021

After a year in which COVID-19 upended the way we live, work and socialize, we are likely to see an increased threat from ransomware and fileless malware in 2021, according to …

Most pros are concerned about cybersecurity risks related to 5G adoption

Most professionals say their organizations are concerned about cybersecurity risks related to 5G adoption (76.4% of professionals at organizations currently use 5G and 80.7% …

Cybercrime costs the world more than $1 trillion, a 50% increase from 2018

Cybercrime costs the world economy more than $1 trillion, or just more than one percent of global GDP, which is up more than 50 percent from a 2018 study that put global …

Trends every IT leader needs to know to empower the enterprise

Only 37% of organizations definitely have the skills and technology to keep pace with digital projects during the COVID-19 pandemic, a MuleSoft survey reveals. Access to data …

Consumers would like to view internet connectivity as a trusted utility

CSPs are well positioned to capture a clearly defined opportunity by meeting their customers’ unmet need for protection against growing threats, such as phishing and malware, …

open source
Open source vulnerabilities go undetected for over four years

For its annual State of the Octoverse report, GitHub has analyzed over 45,000 active code directories to provide insight into open source security (vulnerabilities) and …

Cloud-native benefits stifled by critical security and networking issues

While most organizations today are using cloud-native apps, Kubernetes and microservices, they struggle to secure and connect the complex environments resulting from them, a …

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