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FBI warns about keyloggers disguised as USB device chargers

A private industry notification issued by the FBI in late April may indicate that keyloggers disguised as USB device chargers have been fund being used in the wild. The …

Phone metadata can reveal sensitive info about individuals

Since Snowden revealed that the NSA collects from Verizon phone records of US citizens on a daily basis, those who support that kind of collection have been repeatedly …

justice sentence gavel law court
US FISC approved all surveillance requests in 2015

The US Foreign Surveillance Intelligence Court (FISC) has approved every electronic surveillance request for foreign intelligence purposes it has received in 2015. As it turns …

Flaw allows eavesdropping and tracking of mobile phone users

German hacker Karsten Nohl has demonstrated to the crew of CBS News’ 60 Minutes program how easy it can be for well-resourced attackers to eavesdrop on the phone calls …

Report: The changing face of hacking
Hacking Team hacker explains how he did it

Some nine moths ago, a hacker that calls himself Phineas Fisher managed to breach the systems and networks of Hacking Team, the (in)famous Italian company that provides …

Hacking Team
Hacking Team’s global export license revoked

The Italian Ministry of Economical Progress (Il Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico – MISE) has revoked Hacking Team’s licence to export their Galileo remote …

Is Hacking Team still using the same old, slightly modified malware?

A newly analyzed OS X malware sample shows that Hacking Team is likely still using old code for its newest spying tools. An alternative (but less likely) theory is that …

NSA spied on world leaders, UN, EU officials

A set of highly classified documents recently published by WikiLeaks show how the NSA spied on a number of high ranking officials of the UN, UNHCR, WTO, NATO, the EU and …

Apple to US govt: Withdraw demand for iPhone unlocking, we all need to talk first

The battle between Apple and the US Justice Department continues, as the company still refuses to help the feds access the contents of a PIN-locked iPhone used by gunman Syed …

VoIP phones can be turned into spying or money-making tools

A security vulnerability present in many enterprise-grade VoIP phones can easily be exploited by hackers to spy on employees and management, says security consultant Paul …

T9000 backdoor steals documents, records Skype conversations, victims’ actions

A new backdoor Trojan with spyware capabilities is being used in targeted attacks against organizations based in the United States. It has been dubbed T9000, since it’s …

Banning encryption is useless when IoT devices can spy on users

For a while now the US intelligence and law enforcement community has been complaining about the rise of end-to-end encryption, and how it will prevent them from tracking …

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