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Researchers uncover mobile, PC surveillance platform tied to different nation-state actors

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and mobile security company Lookout have uncovered a new malware espionage campaign that has targeted activists, journalists, lawyers, …

Hacking Team
US man is behind the 2015 Hacking Team hack?

Who’s behind the 2015 Hacking Team hack? According to a notice received by Guido Landi, one of the former Hacking Team employees that was under investigation for the …

kids smartwatch
German government bans children’s smartwatches, tells parents to destroy them

The Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur), Germany’s regulatory agency for public utility companies, has categorized children’s smartwatches as spying …

Amazon Key
Would you let Amazon unlock your door?

Amazon recently announced the launch of the Amazon Key, allowing the Amazon delivery person to open your door in order to place your package inside, where presumably it will …

Seagate surveillance
Seagate launches SkyHawk AI, the first HDD for AI-enabled surveillance

Seagate announced its SkyHawk AI hard disk drive, the first drive created specifically for artificial intelligence enabled video surveillance solutions. SkyHawk AI provides …

Why end-to-end encryption is about more than just privacy

The question of whether regular people need end-to-end encryption will surely be debated for quite some time. But for Alan Duric, CEO and co-founder of Wire, the question can …

European court says workplace surveillance must not violate workers’ privacy

European companies must strike a fair balance between workplace surveillance and their employees’ right to privacy, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has ruled. …

Hackers can turn Amazon Echo into a covert listening device

New research released by MWR InfoSecurity reveals how attackers can compromise the Amazon Echo and turn it into a covert listening device, without affecting its overall …

Android malware
Lippizan: Sophisticated, targeted spyware on Google Play

Google has discovered targeted spyware on Google Play that is likely the work of Equus Technologies, an Israeli cyber surveillance technology dealer. The malware, dubbed …

Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum
How a museum protects some of the world’s finest pieces of art

After an internal audit revealed the limitations of Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum’s existing (analog) camera surveillance system, as well as a server that has been installed …

German law enforcement gets new hacking powers

On Thursday, the Bundestag has voted to accept a new amendment that will expand the German police’s hacking powers. The new amendment will allow them to use so-called …

UK flag
UK govt wants real-time communication surveillance powers, courtesy of telcos

A leaked draft of proposed regulations shows that the UK government is after greater communication surveillance powers, and that in order to get them, it will legally require …

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