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Chinese hackers behind espionage attacks hitting Western oil firms?

Hackers have targeted five international oil companies and have extracted sensitive corporate information about oil- and gas-field operations, project financing and bidding, …

Chinese spies attempted to spear-phish US diplomats?

While some of the documents from the batch of US diplomatic cables dumped by WikiLeaks have proved to be more explosive than others, every now and then some nugget of …

Who’s watching you? Online fears revealed

Despite lingering concerns about the U.S. economic recovery, Americans worry more about having their online privacy violated (25%) than declaring bankruptcy (23%) or losing …

Worrying increase in surveillance across Europe

A landmark EU-wide study of national privacy safeguards shows a decline in privacy protection across Europe and a steep increase in state surveillance over the lives of …

FBI put backdoors in OpenBSD IPSEC stack?

Some serious allegations have been raised yesterday as Theo de Raadt, founder and leader of the OpenBSD and OpenSSH projects, has made public a private e-mail he received from …

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