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Microsoft helped NSA get around its encryption

It has been a bad month for US Internet giants, but things got even worse for Microsoft as the latest batch of NSA documents leaked by Edward Snowden revealed that the company …

Blue Coat Internet monitoring devices (mis)used in Iran, Syria, Sudan

Even though US sanctions should have made it impossible, filtering and Internet monitoring devices by US-based Blue Coat Systems can be found on many computer networks in …

Hearings announced for EU Parliament inquiry into alleged spying

The Civil Liberties Committee inquiry will gather information and evidence to investigate alleged surveillance activities by the US authorities and EU countries. It will then …

Latest leaks by NSA whistleblower reveal NSA’s global reach

EU countries might be formally outraged at the US bugging of EU officials both in America and Europe and NSA’s phone surveillance in general, but as news outlets …

EPIC petitions US Supreme court to stop NSA domestic phone spying

The Washington-based Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) has filed on Monday a petition with the US Supreme Court asking it to put a stop to the disclosure of the …

Multi-platform Java RAT targeting government agencies

A new spear-phishing campaign targeting government agencies mostly in the US, Canada, Australia, a few European countries and the Russian Federation has been spotted by …

EU Parliament to launch inquiry into US surveillance programs

European Parliament’s Civil Liberties Committee will conduct an “in-depth inquiry” into the US surveillance programs, including the bugging of EU premises …

Jon Callas on privacy in the modern age

In this interview, Jon Callas, co-founder of PGP and current CTO at Silent Circle, discusses the global erosion of privacy and the importance of confidentiality. He tackles …

NSA hacking and spying on EU officials

Over the weekend, the German Der Spiegel published a report based on a document leaked by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden that show that the US has been spying on EU …

Another NSA internet and email data collection program revealed

As the hunt for Edward Snowden continues, and the NSA whistleblower is thought to be still located in the transit zone of the Moscow Sheremetyevo International Airport, …

Technology and the death of privacy

After the PRISM scandal broke, there were a lot of those who said “So what? I have nothing to hide”, but I am convinced that they didn’t do a lot of thinking …

U.S. senators propose new privacy bill following surveillance scandal

A group of U.S. senators lead by Senator and Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee Patrick Leahy have introduced a new legislation that aims to improve government …

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