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Yahoo encrypts traffic between data centers, plans for encrypted Messenger

Newly appointed Yahoo CISO Alex Stamos has announced on Wednesday that the company has begun fully encrypting all the traffic moving between its data centers. The move was …

NSA and GCHQ spied on German satcomms, world governments’ leaders

Another week, another explosive revelation coming from Edward Snowden’s archive of NSA documents. This time they reveal the widespread compromise of several German …

Additional NSA-backed code found in RSA crypto products

A group of professors and researchers from several universities in the US and the Netherlands have tested the exploitability of various implementations of the infamous …

Mylar: A system that protects data against server-side snooping

A group of researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Meteor Development Group have created a system for building Web services that woud protect data …

NSA compromised Huawei’s servers, spied on its executives

For years, the US government has been very vocal about its distrust of Chinese telecommunication giant Huawei, pointedly blocking acquisitions and takeovers that would allow …

NSA targets sys admins to breach computer networks

A newly analyzed document from Edward Snowden’s trove show that the NSA collects personal and account information on system administrators and uses it to compromise …

US tech firms knew about and assisted with PRISM data collection

In a testimony before the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, the NSA general council Rajesh De and his colleague stated on Wednesday that the tech companies that …

NSA records a country’s phone calls, keeps the records for a month

By leveraging a surveillance system dubbed MYSTIC, the US National Security Agency has been recording all phone calls made in a foreign country for a period of 30 days, newly …

Edward Snowden: Here’s how we take back the Internet

Appearing by telepresence robot, Edward Snowden speaks at TED2014 about surveillance and Internet freedom. The right to data privacy, he suggests, is not a partisan issue, but …

IBM: We never shared client data with NSA

IBM is the latest tech giant to deny any involvement in NSA’s PRISM data collection program and to claim that they have not set up backdoors in their products. “In …

Stop mass surveillance now or face consequences, MEPs say to US

Parliament’s consent to the EU-US trade deal “could be endangered” if blanket mass surveillance by the US National Security Agency does not stop, members of …

Head of Senate Intelligence Committee accuses CIA of spying on Senate

The long awaited reprimand of the US intelligence community by Senator Dianne Feinstein, the head of the Senate Intelligence Committee, happened yesterday, but not for the …

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