Pirate activist shows politicians what digital surveillance looks like
How to make politicians really understand the dangers of mass digital surveillance and the importance of information security? Gustav Nipe, the 26-year old president of the …
Regin backdoor: Sophisticated, stealthy, state-sponsored?
Symantec researchers are warning about a new, complex cyber espionage tool that has been around for years and that has likely been created and is wielded by a nation state. …
Detekt government surveillance spyware on your computer
Amnesty International, Digitale Gesellschaft, the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Privacy International have partnered to create and release a free and open source tool for …
German spy agency wants to buy and use 0-day bugs
The Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) – Germany’s Federal Intelligence Service – has asked a parliamentary oversight committee for big money to buy …
Post Snowden, most users have changed Internet habits
On the heels of Edward Snowden’s advice to switch from Dropbox, Facebook and Google to services that place a high priority on security and privacy, F-Secure is releasing …
Code Red: A global initiative for fighting government surveillance
Well known and widely respected privacy expert and advocate Simon Davies has announced the creation of a new global initiative that’s aimed at supporting the world-wide …
How-to guide to protecting yourself from electronic spying
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) launched its updated Surveillance Self-Defense report, a comprehensive how-to guide to protecting yourself from electronic spying for …
Tor Browser 4.0, Tails 1.2 are out
The Tor Project has released version 4.0 of its popular eponymous browser that allows users to use the Internet anonymously and privately, and to circumvent online censorship …
Researchers unearth Xsser mRAT, Chinese iOS spyware
Researchers looking into the mobile malware attack directed against Hong Kong protesters using Android devices have discovered that the attackers can also target iOS device …
Seagate Surveillance HDD features recovery services
Seagate released a dedicated surveillance HDD featuring Seagate Rescue services. Engineered specifically for surveillance and video analytics applications, the Surveillance …
Apple drops the “warrant canary” from transparency report
In the wake of the change of Apple’s Privacy Policy, and the encryption technology used in iOS 8 that makes it “not technically feasible” for Apple to …
With iOS 8, Apple won’t be able to unlock phones for the police
With the release of iOS 8, Apple has also updated its Privacy Policy. “The changes were made predominantly to cover new features in iOS 8, or to provide additional …
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