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Citizenfour awarded Oscar for Best Documentary

Film director Laura Poitras’ Citizenfour has been recognized as past year’s Best Documentary Feature by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Most of …

Gemalto announces investigation of massive SIM heist

Yesterday’s report by The Intercept hit the information security community like a ton of bricks, as a set of documents from Edward Snowden’s trove indicate that …

Arabic cyber espionage group attacking high profile victims

Kaspersky Lab discovered Desert Falcons, a cyber-espionage group targeting high profile organizations and individuals from Middle Eastern countries. The list of targeted …

Be careful when talking in front of a Samsung SmartTV

Owners of Samsung SmartTVs that use its Voice Recognition feature to control the device should be aware that everything they say in front of their smart television set may end …

Canarywatch: Keeping track of warrant canaries

In the post-Snowden world, the term “warrant canary” – indicating a method used by some communications service providers to let their users know that they …

Canada’s spy agency monitors file downloads around the world

After NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden shared the documents he exfiltrated from the agency with select journalists, the revelations that stemmed from them have mostly focused …

Video: Bruce Schneier talks to Edward Snowden

As part of a Harvard computer science symposium, Bruce Schneier had a public conversation with Edward Snowden. The topics were largely technical, ranging from cryptography to …

VPN services blocked by China’s Great Firewall

A number of popular VPN services are the latest target of China’s Great Firewall, including Astrill, StrongVPN and Golden Frog’s VyprVPN. Virtual Private Networks …

Researchers create inexpensive versions of NSA’s spying tools

ShmooCon, the hacker convention that welcomes individuals interested in all aspects of computer and information security, was held last week in Washington, D.C. Among the …

Reactions to President Obama’s 2015 State of the Union Address

President Obama’s State of the Union Address featured a new legislative focus on cyber security issues: No foreign nation, no hacker, should be able to shut down our …

UK GCHQ collected emails of UK, US journalists

British intelligence agency GCHQ has, at least on one occasion, slurped up emails sent by and to journalists working for a number of high-profile news organizations and shared …

UK PM Cameron demonizes encryption, US report says it’s vital

When British Prime Minister David Cameron announced on Tuesday his plan to introduce new surveillance powers in the UK by forcing businesses to plant backdoors in their …

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