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South Korean minors to be monitored via smartphone spying apps

The Korea Communications Commission, South Korea’s media regulation agency modeled after US’ FCC, has made it mandatory for telecoms and parents to install a …

New UK law says GCHQ agents cannot be prosecuted for hacking

In a job posting published last week, the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) – the UK version of US’ National Security Agency – openly announced …

US House of Representatives votes to stop NSA’s bulk data collection

The highly debated USA FREEDOM Act, a bill whose purpose is “to rein in the dragnet collection of data by the NSA and other government agencies, increase transparency of …

Court declares NSA’s domestic phone metadata collection program illegal

It took nearly two years, but three judges of a federal appeals court in New York have unanimously ruled that the bulk collection of telephone metadata associated with phone …

To what extent companies digitally track our daily lives?

Do you know how digitally collected information uncovers things about you which you would rather remained private? We’re already living in the age of Big Data, and are …

Researchers create searchable database of intelligence operators

The researchers behind Transparency Toolkit, a venture whose goal is to develop source software to collect and analyze publicly available data on surveillance and human rights …

NSA surveillance since Snowden revelations is strong as ever

A Thycotic survey of 202 RSA Conference 2015 attendees found that 94% feel that NSA’s surveillance of U.S. citizens has increased or remained the same since Edward Snowden …

70 bad exit nodes used in attack against Tor-based SIGAINT

Darknet email service SIGAINT, which aims to provide email privacy to journalists, has been targeted by unknown attackers using at least 70 bad exit nodes, the service’s …

US tech giants urge Congress to curb mass digital surveillance

As the date of the expiry of Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act draws near, a wide range of tech companies, privacy advocates, and trade associations have asked the US …

Multifunctional Vawtrak malware now updated via favicons

The Vawtrak (aka Snifula) multifunctional malware has been around since mid-2013. Its information-stealing, backdoor and spying capabilities deservedly earned it the …

Gemalto says NSA and GCHQ intrusions “probably happened”

“The investigation into the intrusion methods described in the document and the sophisticated attacks that Gemalto detected in 2010 and 2011 give us reasonable grounds …

Citizenfour awarded Oscar for Best Documentary

Film director Laura Poitras’ Citizenfour has been recognized as past year’s Best Documentary Feature by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Most of …

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