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Business efficiency metrics are more important than detection metrics

With cyberattacks on the rise, today’s security professionals are relying primarily on detection metrics – both key performance indicators (KPIs) and key risk indicators …

Elasticsearch security: Understand your options and apply best practices

The ever-escalating popularity of Elasticsearch – the distributed open source search and log analytics engine that has become a staple in enterprise application developers’ …

Data exfiltration: The art of distancing

We have all seen the carefully prepared statement. A cyber incident has occurred, we are investigating but please do not worry since no data has left our network. Perhaps we …

Cybersecurity software sales and training in a no-touch world

The pandemic has led to an outbreak of cybercriminal activity focused on remote workers and enterprises that needed to quickly migrate to the cloud to maintain business …

Managers and employees support digital transformation, but see room for improvement

Digital transformation has widespread support among managers and employees, but some think that the pace of change at their companies could be faster, they could be more …

How data science delivers value in a post-pandemic world

With businesses from various industries tightening their belt due to pandemic-induced economic challenges, investing in data science applications and building out their teams …

Key cybersecurity industry challenges in the next five years

What key challenges will the cybersecurity industry be dealing with in the next five years? Pete Herzog, Managing Director at ISECOM, is so sure that artificial intelligence …

Using confidential computing to protect Function-as-a-Service data

Organizations are embracing the power of Function-as-a-Service (FaaS). FaaS can be viewed as a very positive and beneficial result coming from years of data successfully …

Adopting more tools doesn’t necessarily improve security response efforts

While organizations have slowly improved in their ability to plan for, detect and respond to cyberattacks over the past five years, their ability to contain an attack has …

How do I select a SIEM solution for my business?

A Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) solution collects and analyzes activity from numerous resources across your IT infrastructure. A SIEM can provide …

Organizations need an agile response to unexpected risks

The average $5 billion company incurs delays of roughly 5 weeks per year in new product launches due to missed risks, with a $99 million opportunity cost, according to …

Data security matters more than ever in the new normal

Even before lockdowns, there was a steady migration toward more flexible workforce arrangements. Given the new normal of so many more people working from home—on top of a pile …

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