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Secure data sharing in a world concerned with privacy

The ongoing debate surrounding privacy protection in the global data economy reached a fever pitch with July’s “Schrems II” ruling at the European Court of Justice, which …

What are the traits of an effective CISO?

Only 12% of CISOs excel in all four categories of the Gartner CISO Effectiveness Index. “Today’s CISOs must demonstrate a higher level of effectiveness than ever before,” said …

Shift to remote work and heavy reliance on service providers for security leaves blind spots

83% of C-level executives expect the changes they made in the areas of people, processes, and applications as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic to become permanent (whether …

5 simple steps to bring cyber threat intelligence sharing to your organization

Cyber threat intelligence (CTI) sharing is a critical tool for security analysts. It takes the learnings from a single organization and shares it across the industry to …

80% of businesses expect IT budgets to grow or remain steady in 2021

The global COVID-19 crisis is a catalyst for change, spurring businesses to continue to invest in technology to support and secure a remote workforce, despite slowing …

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Justifying your 2021 cybersecurity budget

Sitting in the midst of an unstable economy, a continued public health emergency, and facing an uptick in successful cyber attacks, CISOs find themselves needing to enhance …

How security theater misses critical gaps in attack surface and what to do about it

Bruce Schneier coined the phrase security theater to describe “security measures that make people feel more secure without doing anything to actually improve their security.” …

Attacked by ransomware? Five steps to recovery

Ransomware has been noted by many as the most threatening cybersecurity risk for organizations, and it’s easy to see why: in 2019, more than 50 percent of all businesses were …

How to enforce real-time controls based on behavior risk scoring

For decades, the traditional approach to securing digital assets has been based on using a primary set of credentials, namely a username and password. This binary model …

In uncertain times, CISOs have a golden opportunity

Hackers are targeting everyone and taking advantage of fear, uncertainty, and a 24/7 news cycle that can dwell on a single theme for weeks on end. The victim pool includes …

Four ways network traffic analysis benefits security teams

The march towards digital transformation and the increasing volume of cyberattacks are finally driving IT security and network teams towards better collaboration. This idea …

Ensuring cyber awareness in the healthcare sector

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare professionals have increased their reliance on the internet to carry out their job. From connectivity with patients, to the …

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