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Most IT decision makers don’t trust data, but 54% still use it to make decisions

77% of IT decision makers (ITDMs) don’t completely trust the data within their organization for timely and accurate decision making, according to SnapLogic. With 98% of those …

cyber insurance
How do I select cyber insurance for my business?

There has been a 70%+ increase in the average cost of a cybercrime to an organization over five years to $13mn and a 60%+ increase in the average number of security breaches, …

Kali Linux
How Kali Linux creators plan to handle the future of penetration testing

Offensive Security might best known as the company behind Kali Linux, the popular (and free) open-source pen testing platform, but its contribution to the information security …

Industrial pros looking for a more focused approach to digital transformation

A highly focused approach to digital transformation is challenging the traditional top-down, all-or-nothing strategy, according to a report from Plutoshift. The findings …

identity theft
Rising physical threats putting leaders under pressure

Physical threats are rising and increasingly unmanageable, putting unprecedented financial, reputational and liability pressures on business leadership and security teams, …

Achieving digital transformation by overcoming identity fatigue

Conversations about digital transformation (DX) are so frequent and pervasive that we tend to lose track of how incomplete they can be. You might think that DX only concerns …

Key cybersecurity problems expected to mark 2021

After a year in which COVID-19 upended the way we live, work and socialize, we are likely to see an increased threat from ransomware and fileless malware in 2021, according to …

Trends every IT leader needs to know to empower the enterprise

Only 37% of organizations definitely have the skills and technology to keep pace with digital projects during the COVID-19 pandemic, a MuleSoft survey reveals. Access to data …

December 2020 Patch Tuesday forecast: Always consider the risk

The final Patch Tuesday of the year is upon us and what a year it has been. Forcing many changes this year, the pandemic has impacted the way we conduct both security and IT …

How to take SASE from a buzzword to a plan

Whether you are talking to your leadership or external auditors, it’s always best to be able to explain that your cybersecurity program is based on a framework utilizing …

Raising defenses against ransomware in healthcare

More than half a decade has passed since ransomware-wielding attackers started focusing on healthcare providers. Despite some initial misgivings about targeting life-saving …

The three stages of security risk reprioritization

What began as a two-week remote working environment, due to COVID-19 has now stretched past the nine-month mark for many. The impact of telework on organizations can be felt …

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