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How merchants can defend themselves against Magecart attacks

In this Help Net Security video, Angel Grant, VP of Security, F5, explains what Magecart attacks are and how they have evolved over the years. Grant illustrates how …

Why smart factories need to prioritize cybersecurity

Recent Capgemini research revealed that the vast majority of organizations do not have device visibility at their smart factory locations. The use of legacy machinery, …

Dan Tucker
How government CISOs tackle digital transformation initiatives

In this interview for Help Net Security, Dan Tucker, Senior VP at Booz Allen, and leader of the firm’s cloud and data engineering solutions for citizen services, talks about …

zero trust
The factors driving today’s accelerated zero trust adoption

Zero trust has quickly progressed from a buzzword to a critical business imperative, Okta’s 2022 State of Zero Trust Security Report has found. Today, 97% of businesses say …

Overcoming the roadblocks to passwordless authentication

It’s a well-known fact that humans are the weakest link in any security strategy. Verizon’s latest annual data breach report found that over 80% of breaches in the “Basic Web …

Active Directory
Why organizations should control Active Directory permissions

In this Help Net Security video, Matthew Vinton, Strategic Systems Consultant at Quest Software, illustrates the importance of regularly analyzing, controlling and adapting …

Why it’s past time we operationalized cybersecurity

Enterprises are investing more in cybersecurity than ever before, but we’re also seeing a record number of breaches. More than 5.1 billion pieces of personal information were …

How to manage the intersection of Java, security and DevOps at a low complexity cost

In this Help Net Security video, Erik Costlow, Senior Director of Product Management at Azul, talks about Java centric vulnerabilities and the headache they have become for …

zero trust
Implementing zero trust for a secure hybrid working enterprise

In this Help Net Security video, Kevin Peterson, Cybersecurity Strategist at Xalient, provides an overview of the early days of zero trust, illustrates where we are today, and …

Why SAP systems need to be brought into the cybersecurity fold

SAP’s status as a leading business process management software provider is undeniable. Today, the company serves over 230 million cloud users and 99 of the top 100 companies …

Real-world threat response: What are organizations doing wrong?

In this video interview with Help Net Security, Stephanie Aceves, Sr. Director of Threat Response, Product Management at Tanium, talks about what organizations are doing wrong …

Identity is the killer context: 4 ways to stay in control

The COVID-19 pandemic sounded the death knell for the traditional perimeter. Work is now an activity, not a place, meaning the concept of an encircling wall of security is as …

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