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Is curiosity killing patient privacy?

The digitization of healthcare is changing the face of fraud. With the growth of electronic health records (EHRs), online patient portals and virtual clinics, a wealth of …

PSD2 and strong customer authentication: Are all elements equal?

The European Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2), introduced in January 2018, contains the requirement for additional security features for certain online transactions. These …

What differentiates the strongest cybersecurity programs from the rest

Financial institutions spend an average of around $2,300 per full-time employee on cybersecurity annually, reveals a survey released by Deloitte and the Financial Services …

Supply chain attacks: Mitigation and protection

In software development, a supply chain attack is typically performed by inserting malicious code into a code dependency or third-party service integration. Unlike typical …

Making the most of threat intelligence with threat intelligence gateways

Even though many security professionals are still dissatisfied with threat intelligence accuracy and quality, its use as a resource for network defense is growing. According …

Hacking our way into cybersecurity for medical devices

Hospitals are filled with machines connected to the internet. With a combination of both wired and wireless connectivity, knowing and managing which devices are connected has …

SEC demands better disclosure for cybersecurity incidents and threats

As companies increasingly rely on networked systems and on the Internet, cybersecurity threats have grown. Companies that fall victim to a successful cyberattack incur …

Best practices when implementing SD-WAN

Telecoms is an overall complex business – delivering network circuits and optimizing connections – but SD-WAN has its own very specific set of obstacles. SD-WAN involves many …

You can’t fix what you can’t see: A new way of looking at network performance

Network performance, or the service quality of a business’ network, is critical to running a successful enterprise. Imagine the cost to an organization when the corporate …

Nearly half of firms suffer data breaches at hands of vendors

As trusted partners, third-party vendors often become the overlooked or unwitting accomplice in criminal activities. As privacy laws and cybersecurity regulations continue to …

The foundation: Quantifying risk with focused security measurement

When you hear “quantify risk,” you might think it’s the buzz-term du jour. You might be right. Risk quantification is a hot topic right now. It seems everyone who touches …

DevSecOps: Fast development without sacrificing safety

DevOps has been a boon to companies looking to shorten the systems development cycle, pushing software developers and IT operations to work together and help their enterprises …

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