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Want to overcome patching challenges once and for all? Automation is the key

The cybersecurity threatscape in the UK is extremely complex and sophisticated. It is no longer a question of whether a cyberattack will occur, but when; according to a recent …

Is the enterprise on the brink of a global web supply chain attack?

Ever since the Web development ecosystem evolved to the current paradigm of code reuse, companies have placed themselves too close to the abyss. Web supply chain attacks are a …

Exploring the benefits of cybersecurity certification

In this interview, Tony Vizza, Director of Cybersecurity Advocacy APAC, (ISC)2, talks about the benefits of earning a cybersecurity certification, the most common …

Most decision makers expect AI and 5G to impact their cybersecurity strategy

An overwhelming majority of cybersecurity and risk management leaders believe that developments in 5G wireless technology will create cybersecurity challenges for their …

DevOps firewall: How pre-configuring your cloud deployment can ensure compliance

Following the recent massive Capital One data breach, it’s clear that even some of the world’s largest and most respected companies working in the cloud are still vulnerable …

Phishing attacks are a complex problem that requires layered solutions

Most cyberattacks start with a social engineering attempt and, most often than not, it takes the form of a phishing email. It’s easy to understand the popularity of this …

identity theft
How to remove human error from the cyber risk equation

In attempting to fortify the enterprise’s cyber assets, we have turned much of our attention to human error. After all, the vast majority of hackers rely upon their …

Chance that flaws will ever be dealt with diminishes the longer they stick around

More than half of all security findings (56%) are fixed, but a focus on fixing new findings while neglecting aging flaws leads to increasing security debt, according to …

virtual reality
Why organizations must arm their SOCs for the future

Security Operations Centers (SOCs) around the globe represent the first line of defense between enterprises and cyber-threats. This mission requires that SOCs respond to …

How the under 30s expect new approaches to cybersecurity

In today’s multigenerational workforce, the over-30s are more likely to adopt cybersecurity good practice than their younger colleagues who have grown up with digital …

Targeted online messaging dissuading young gamers from getting involved in cybercrime

Highly-targeted messaging campaigns from law enforcement can be surprisingly effective at dissuading young gamers from getting involved in cybercrime, a new study has …

How cybersecurity accelerates business growth

It’s no secret that the cybersecurity industry has grown exponentially over more than a decade due to the proliferation of high-profile cybercrime. Viewing cybersecurity as …

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