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identity theft
The privacy and security trends that will shape 2020

Privacy concerns will ratchet up further around IoT and 5G. Even if the industry manages to secure the billions of IoT devices already deployed, they permeate so many aspects …

The importance of proactive patch management

IT teams appreciate it when vendors or security researchers discover new vulnerabilities and develop patches for them. So do attackers. The same information that lets IT teams …

2020 is prime for a global building cybersecurity standard

Buildings will account for 81% of all connected things in 2020, ushering in a new era of smart office buildings, schools, hospitals and more that will improve efficiencies for …

Active Directory
Active Directory password reset best practices

Password change and password reset are terms that are often used interchangeably. However, they are not the same. A user will perform a password change when they remember …

How to test employee cyber competence through pentesting

Social engineering hacking preys on the vulnerabilities inherent in human psychology. Take the Nigerian (419) scams as an example: the scammer tries to convince the victim to …

The 7 most dangerous digital technology trends

As our world embraces a digital transformation, innovative technologies bring greater opportunities, cost efficiencies, abilities to scale globally, and entirely new service …

It’s the most vulnerable time of the year

With the holiday season upon us, it can be all too easy to get swept up in the festivities. As soon as the Halloween hangover starts to finally wear off, you’re already …

Top 5 cybersecurity predictions for 2020

When it comes to cybersecurity, staying ahead of threats – rather than reacting to them – is critical. In a constantly evolving threat landscape, plugging holes – or designing …

DNS over HTTPS’ threat to enterprise security

DNS over HTTPS (DoH) is here, regardless who likes it or not. Unfortunately, a majority of guidance surrounding DoH is centered around individual consumer perspectives. For …

Avoiding the next breach: Four tips for securing your apps

As security incidents continue to be an ongoing threat to businesses on a daily basis, keeping security procedures up-to-date and avoiding the next breach have become …

2020 predictions: Rising complexity of managing digital risk

Digital risk management experts at RSA Security have released their predictions for 2020, detailing key cyber trends for the year ahead. With contributions from President, …

How do SMBs plan to improve their security posture in 2020?

With cybersecurity concerns already mounting ahead of the 2020 presidential election, SMB executives are turning their attention to how these threats could impact their own …

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