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Sophisticated Mokes backdoor targets Mac users

A new malware targeting Macs has been discovered: the Mokes backdoor. Capable of making screenshots, recording keystrokes, capturing audio, and rifling through Office …

Apple iOS 9
Apple plugs three actively exploited iOS zero-days

Owners of Apple’s mobile devices are advised to upgrade to iOS version 9.3.5 as soon as possible, as it fixes three zero-day vulnerabilities actively exploited in the …

Backdoor uses TeamViewer to spy on victims

A backdoor Trojan with spying capabilities that has been previously directed against European and Russian users is now being lobbed at US users, Dr. Web researchers have …

Is Hacking Team still using the same old, slightly modified malware?

A newly analyzed OS X malware sample shows that Hacking Team is likely still using old code for its newest spying tools. An alternative (but less likely) theory is that …

German police allowed to use its own “federal Trojan”

The German Interior Ministry has approved for investigative use a spying Trojan developed by the German Federal Criminal Police (a so-called “federal Trojan”). In …

linux tux
Versatile Linux backdoor acts as downloader, spyware

Another Linux Trojan has been discovered by researchers, and this one is pretty versatile: it opens a backdoor into the infected device, can download and run additional …

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