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Specops Secure Access strengthens security for Windows, RDP, and VPN logins

Specops Software has launched Specops Secure Access, a new capability that provides multi-factor authentication (MFA) to Windows logon, Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), and VPN …

Specops Password Policy
Product showcase: Securing Active Directory passwords with Specops Password Policy

Password policies are a cornerstone of cybersecurity for any organization. A good password policy ensures every end user has a strong and unique password, significantly …

password management habits
Password management habits you should unlearn

Despite advancements in security technology, many individuals and organizations continue to rely on outdated and vulnerable authentication methods, leaving themselves exposed …

Longer passwords aren’t safe from intensive cracking efforts

88% of organizations still use passwords as their primary method of authentication, according to Specops Software. The report found that 31.1 million breached passwords had …

Understanding password behavior key to developing stronger cybersecurity protocols

Passwords are still the weakest link in an organization’s network, as proven by the analysis of over 800 million breached passwords, according to Specops Software. The …

Top passwords used in RDP brute-force attacks

Specops Software released a research analyzing the top passwords used in live attacks against Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) ports. This analysis coincides with the latest …

Is mandatory password expiration helping or hurting your password security?

For decades cybersecurity professionals held tight to the idea that passwords needed to be changed on a regular basis. In recent years, however, organizations such as NIST and …

The various ways ransomware impacts your organization

Despite increased investment in tools to fight ransomware, 90% of organizations were affected by ransomware in some capacity over the past 12 months, according to …

Inadequate password and authentication requirements found in popular business web apps

Specops Software released new research finding cybersecurity weaknesses in business web apps including Shopify, Zendesk, Trello, and Stack Overflow. This Help Net Security …

Popular business web apps fail to implement critical password requirements

Specops Software released new research finding cybersecurity weaknesses in business web apps including Shopify, Zendesk, Trello, and Stack Overflow. Amid a wave of …

Lori Osterholm
Good end user passwords begin with a well-enforced password policy

In this interview with Help Net Security, Lori Österholm, CTO at Specops Software, explains what makes passwords vulnerable and suggests some password best practices and …

55% of people rely on their memory to manage passwords

Bitwarden announced the results of its global password management survey, in advance of World Password Day on May 5th, 2022. While receptive to the importance of security, …

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