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Code analysis and app security testing simplified

Quotium announced the release of Seeker Enterprise 3.0, whose innovative technology correlates application behavior with simulated hacker’s attacks to pinpoint …

Free Heartbleed scanner for Chrome and Android

To help Internet users protect themselves from the Heartbleed bug that is eroding SSL security features on websites worldwide, Trend Micro released two free Heartbleed …

Microsoft releases Threat Modeling Tool 2014

The Microsoft Threat Modeling Tool 2014 is the latest version of the free Security Development Lifecycle Threat Modeling Tool that was previously released back in 2011. …

ModSecurity 2.8.0 released

ModSecurity makes full HTTP transaction logging possible, allowing complete requests and responses to be logged. It can also monitor the HTTP traffic in real time in order to …

First phase of TrueCrypt audit finds no backdoors

Remember when late last year cryptographer Matthew Green and Kenneth White, Principal Scientist at Social & Scientific Systems, called for – and then organized …

Popular but fake security app removed from Google Play

In little over a week, a developer selling a security app named Virus Shield on Google Play has managed to earn over $40,000, and the software topped the list of most …

Samsung Galaxy enterprise mobility management

Codeproof announced the availability of Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) for Samsung Galaxy line of devices within its cloud based management platform. “Over the …

Apple releases Safari 7.0.3, fixes security

Apple updated Safari for Mavericks to version 7.0.3, while fixing security and adding compatibility and stability improvements. The update is available through the software …

The dangers of using outdated software

Buy something and keep it long enough, and in time it will become vintage: cool, unique and a throwback to days gone by. But while vintage works for fashion, furniture and …

Bitcoin software update fixes transaction ID malleability bugs

Bitcoin Core – as the Bitcoin infrastructure software has been renamed to in order to avoid confusion with the the Bitcoin network – has been updated to make, …

1Password 4.2 includes 30 new features

Popular OS X password manager 1Password reached version 4.2, which includes over 30 new features and improvements. 1Password mini You can now edit items directly within …

Netwrix releases six new auditing solutions

Netwrix released six new Netwrix Auditor solutions, each offered with up to five times more features than before. “As organizations work to implement comprehensive …

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Cybersecurity news