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First aid kit for people who face digital threats

A group of NGOs that includes the EFF, Global Voices, and Internews, has launched the Digital First Aid Kit, an open source self-assessment tool for people who face digital …

GFI MailEssentials gets new AV engine and anti-spam capabilities

GFI Software released GFI MailEssentials 2014 R2, adding major enhancements to the company’s email security solution. With more than 70 per cent of worldwide email …

Microsoft supports open source software framework for IoT

The AllSeen Alliance, the broadest Internet of Everything open-source project, announced that Microsoft has joined the group’s multi-company effort as a Premier Member …

Business risk: Tales from the TrueCrypt

The recent incidents with the Heartbleed OpenSSL vulnerability, along with the strange turn of events involving TrueCrypt shine a light on a big issue for security …

Drastic decline in vulnerable NTP servers due to Heartbleed?

In light of the escalation of DDoS attacks used as a means of extorting money from online businesses, the news that there has been a significant decrease in vulnerable Network …

TrueCrypt developer says forking the software is impossible

Even though a number of people have expressed interest in continuing the development of TrueCrypt, the future of these projects is questionable as one of the TrueCrypt …

Demand for PaaS on the rise

A new age of Develop Your Own Application (DYOA) to meet ever-changing business requirements is driving demand for rapid application development Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) …

Scan of Google Play apps reveals thousands of secret keys

A team of researchers from Columbia University has downloaded and decompiled over 880,000 applications found on Google Play, and has discovered – among other things …

Remove Android ransomware for free

avast! Ransomware Removal is a free app that eliminates Android ransomware and decrypts locked and ransomed files. Simplocker is a new Android virus that encrypts photos, …

Analysis of 3000 vulnerabilities in SAP

According to official information from SAP portal, more than 3000 vulnerabilities have been closed by SAP. Here are 6 highlights from a research conducted by the ERPScan team …

Fake, malicious World Cup-themed apps targeting Android users

The 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil start today, and Trend Micro researchers have pointed out yet another thing that fans need to be careful about: fake and malicious versions …

Tool for creating booby-trapped PDFs made public

Freelance security researcher Claes Spett has made available a tool he dubbed “PDF Exploit Generator,” which allows penetration testers – but also malicious …

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