Redefining security visualization with Hollywood UI design
Most security interfaces today leave a lot to be desired, and many security pros are gaming enthusiasts, accustomed to a sharp and engaging virtual world. ProtectWise CEO …
OpenSSH 7.0 deprecates weak, legacy and unsafe cryptography
OpenSSH encrypts all traffic (including passwords) to effectively eliminate eavesdropping, connection hijacking, and other attacks. Additionally, it provides secure tunneling …
Kali Linux 2.0 released: New 4.0 kernel, improved hardware and wireless driver coverage
Kali Linux, the open source penetration testing platform, has reached version 2.0.Kali Linux 2.0 comes with a 4.0 kernel, now based on Debian Jessie. It features improved …
MatrixSSL Tiny: A TLS software implementation for IoT devices
INSIDE Secure announced the availability of MatrixSSL Tiny, the world’s smallest Transport Layer Security (TLS) software implementation, to allow companies to affordably …
What’s the state of your software?
Cybercrime is felt by businesses up and down the country, with the Information Security Breaches Survey (ISBS) reporting that 81 per cent of large and 60 per cent of small …
List of approved Windows 10 compatible security products
Windows 10 is now available to users around the world, and it comes with new security features.AV-Comparatives tested a variety of software titles to see which of them are …
Over 5,000 mobile apps found performing in-app ad fraud
Of the $20 billion projected to be spent by advertisers on mobile advertising in 2015, $1 billion will effectively be lost due to in-app ad fraud, warns ad fraud detection and …
Security flaws discovered in popular Smart Home Hubs
Smart Home Hubs are used to control lighting, heating, locks and cameras in people’s homes. Unsurprisingly, many security experts worry about the privacy and safety risks …
Hacking Team’s RCS Android: The most sophisticated Android malware ever exposed
“As each day passes and researchers find more and more source code in the huge Hacking Team data dump, it becomes more clear what the company’s customers could do …
Proposed Wassenaar pact changes will harm cyber defenders instead of attackers
The comment period for the proposed amendments to the Wassenaar Arrangement regarding “cybersecurity items” has ended, and the overwhelming majority of the 150+ …
Free tools for detecting Hacking Team malware in your systems
“Worried that you might have been targeted with Hacking Team spyware, but don’t know how to find out for sure? IT security firm Rook Security has released Milano, …
School monitoring software’s hard-coded encryption key exposed
Impero Software is the creator and seller of “Impero Education Pro”, a piece of software that’s used in many UK schools to monitor school computers for …