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USBKill turns thumb drives into computer kill switches

A coder that goes by the online handle “Hephaestos” has shared with the world a Python script that, when put on an USB thumb drive, turns the device in an …

The enduring chasm between security teams and developers

The gap between application builders (developers and development organizations) and defenders (security and operations teams responsible for securing apps) is closing …

Researcher neutralizes Google’s Password Alert with a few lines of code

Google’s Password Alert extension for Chrome, which was released on Wednesday, has received its first critical security update less than 24 hours later, as infosec …

Tor Browser 4.5. is out, with new security and privacy upgrades

The Tor Project has released version 4.5 of its popular Tor Browser, and this new version comes with a number of security and privacy improvements.Users can now use a Security …

A closer look at LepideAuditor for File Server

Organizations host file servers to store critical data to and valuable information about its business, customers, and employees. Access to file servers is authorized only for …

Knowledge base of malware intelligence enables rapid containment

The Lastline Knowledge Base (LLKB) launched at the RSA Conference 2015. The new software module can be combined with the Lastline Breach Detection Platform to give security …

Apple Watch
Apple Watch app for managing threat intelligence on-the-go

ThreatStream today announced at RSA Conference 2015 the first iOS threat intelligence app for the Apple Watch. The app, which is also available for the iPhone and iPad, …

DARPA to create software systems that last 100 years

As modern software systems continue inexorably to increase in complexity and capability, users have become accustomed to periodic cycles of updating and upgrading to avoid …

New Tor version fixes issues that can crash hidden services and clients

Two new versions of the Tor anonymity software have been released on Tuesday, with fixes for two security issues that can be exploited to crash hidden services and clients …

Tresorit for Business

In the cloud computing era, companies need to be proactive on secure collaboration and file sharing. Tresorit for Business is a solution that, among other things, helps …

Users care about privacy when they know what info is collected about them

A recent study conducted by Carnegie Mellon and Notre Dame University researchers is calling attention to several interesting things. For one, mobile apps collect too much …

Puush servers compromised to deliver malware disguised as app update

Users of screenshot-grabbing-and-easy-sharing app Puush are in danger of having their passwords stolen by malware that masquerades as the (then) latest update for the app. It …

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