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application security testing
How do I select an application security testing solution for my business?

Software-related issues continue to plague organizations of all sizes, so IT leaders are turning to application security testing tools for help. Since there are many types of …

Attackers are breaching F5 BIG-IP devices, check whether you’ve been hit

Attackers are actively trying to exploit CVE-2020-5902, a critical vulnerability affecting F5 Networks‘ BIG-IP multi-purpose networking devices, to install coin-miners, …

Cybersecurity software sales and training in a no-touch world

The pandemic has led to an outbreak of cybercriminal activity focused on remote workers and enterprises that needed to quickly migrate to the cloud to maintain business …

A Boxcryptor audit shows no critical weaknesses in the software

More and more companies, self-employed and private customers are using Boxcryptor to protect sensitive data – primarily in the cloud. Boxcryptor ensures that nobody but …

New vulnerabilities in open source packages down 20% compared to last year

New vulnerabilities in open source packages were down 20% compared to last year suggesting security of open source packages and containers are heading in a positive direction, …

Fixing all vulnerabilities is unrealistic, you need to zero in on what matters

As technology constantly advances, software development teams are bombarded with security alerts at an increasing rate. This has made it nearly impossible to remediate every …

How to secure software in a DevOps world

The COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the world has made a growing number of people realize how many of our everyday activities depend on software. We increasingly work, …

Keep remote workers and their devices secure with one click

In this interview for Help Net Security, Shailesh Athalye, VP Compliance at Qualys, discusses cloud-based Remote Endpoint Protection and illustrates how security teams can …

End-to-end encryption will be offered to all Zoom users

Zoom Video Communications has decided to extend the benefits of end-to-end encryption (E2EE) not only to paying Zoom customers, but to those who create free accounts, as well. …

open source
2019 was a record year for OSS vulnerabilities

Total vulnerabilities in OSS more than doubled in 2019 from 421 Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) in 2018 to 968 last year, according to a RiskSense report. Top 10 …

cloud money
OPTIMUSCLOUD: Cost and performance efficiency for cloud-hosted databases

A Purdue University data science and machine learning innovator wants to help organizations and users get the most for their money when it comes to cloud-based databases. Her …

Despite investing in DevOps tools and practices, teams still encounter customer-impacting errors

An overwhelming majority of organizations prioritize software quality over speed, yet still experience customer-impacting issues regularly, according to OverOps. The report, …

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