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vulnerability assessment tools
5 open-source vulnerability assessment tools to try out

A vulnerability assessment is a methodical examination of network infrastructure, computer systems, and software with the goal of identifying and addressing known security …

Stellar Cyber Open XDR
Product showcase: The Stellar Cyber Open XDR platform

As enterprises find themselves dealing with ever-increasing threats and the boundaries of their organization disappearing, security teams are more challenged than ever to …

NetworkManager 1.40 released, features 600 patches

NetworkManager attempts to keep an active network connection available at all times. The point of NetworkManager is to make networking configuration and setup as painless and …

How fast is the financial industry fixing its software security flaws?

Veracode released data revealing that the financial services industry ranks among the best for overall flaw percentage when compared to other industries, but has one of the …

DevSpace 6: Client-only developer tool for cloud-native development with Kubernetes

Loft Labs released DevSpace 6, open-source software for Kubernetes that enables users to develop, troubleshoot and deploy cloud-native software faster. DevSpace is a …

CISOs see little need for a point solution to cover ransomware risk

Nearly half of enterprises have fallen victim to a ransomware attack, of which nearly all have had little choice but to heed their attackers, according to the Q2 CISO Circuit …

malware analysis tools
7 open-source malware analysis tools you should try out

There are two main types of malware analysis: static and dynamic. Performing static analysis of a malicious binary means concentrating on analyizing its code without executing …

Ring Android app
Vulnerability in Amazon Ring app allowed access to private camera recordings

A vulnerability in the Android version of the Ring app, which is used to remotely manage Amazon Ring outdoor (video doorbell) and indoor surveillance cameras, could have been …

Android 13
Google releases Android 13 with improved privacy and security features

Google released Android 13, and it is already rolling out to eligible Pixel smartphones. In this Help Net Security video, you’ll learn more about the latest privacy and …

Active Directory
Why organizations should control Active Directory permissions

In this Help Net Security video, Matthew Vinton, Strategic Systems Consultant at Quest Software, illustrates the importance of regularly analyzing, controlling and adapting …

SquarePhish: Advanced phishing tool combines QR codes and OAuth 2.0 device code flow

In this Help Net Security video, Security Consultant Kam Talebzadeh and Senior Security Researcher Nevada Romsdahl from Secureworks, showcase SquarePhish, a tool that combines …

AWSGoat: Easy to deploy vulnerable AWS infrastructure for pentesters

Compromising an organization’s cloud infrastructure is like sitting on a gold mine for attackers. And sometimes, a simple misconfiguration or a vulnerability in web …

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