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Secure mobile device access on single authentication platform

SafeNet announced its new mobile device credentialing solution that enables the secure use of consumer mobile devices on corporate networks. SafeNet’s Authentication …

Is WordPress next in line for silent updates?

Silent software updates are still a topic of contention in the security world, but the successful implementation of the process by Google for its Chrome browser has definitely …

Mitigating software vulnerabilities

Microsoft released a new whitepaper that describes how exploit mitigation technologies can help reduce or eliminate risk, prevent attacks and minimize operational disruption …

Trend Micro expands SecureCloud

Trend Micro SecureCloud, the encryption service with policy-based key management, has been expanded with a new offering designed for cloud service providers, as well as …

Apache Tomcat security bypass vulnerability

A security issue and a vulnerability have been reported in Apache Tomcat, which can be exploited by malicious, local users to bypass certain security restrictions or cause a …

SSH client PuTTY 0.61 released

After four long years, here comes a new version of PuTTY, the popular free telnet/SSH client for Windows and Unix platforms. PuTTY 0.61 brings new features, bug fixes, and …

Microsoft releases new preview of SQL Server “Denali”

Microsoft released the next public CTP of Microsoft SQL Server “Denali” packed with Business Intelligence (BI) improvements and innovations for relational …

SquirrelMail multiple vulnerabilities

Multiple vulnerabilities have been reported in SquirrelMail, according to Secunia. These vulnerabilities can be exploited by malicious users to conduct script insertion …

Critical vulnerability in Sun Java

ACROS Security has discovered a vulnerability in Sun Java, which can be exploited by malicious people to compromise a user’s system, according to Secunia. The …

How to secure a moving target with limited resources

Today, as security threats increase and regulatory requirements grow more complex, businesses are recognizing that compliance and security are business-critical priorities. …

CentOS 6.0 released

CentOS 6.0 for i386 and x86_64 architectures is now available. It is based on the upstream release EL 6.0 and includes packages from all variants. All upstream repositories …

Syringe: Windows injection utility

SecureState released Syringe, a general purpose injection utility for the windows platform. It supports injection of DLLs, and shellcode into remote processes as well as …

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