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Microsoft releases new preview of SQL Server “Denali”

Microsoft released the next public CTP of Microsoft SQL Server “Denali” packed with Business Intelligence (BI) improvements and innovations for relational …

SquirrelMail multiple vulnerabilities

Multiple vulnerabilities have been reported in SquirrelMail, according to Secunia. These vulnerabilities can be exploited by malicious users to conduct script insertion …

Critical vulnerability in Sun Java

ACROS Security has discovered a vulnerability in Sun Java, which can be exploited by malicious people to compromise a user’s system, according to Secunia. The …

How to secure a moving target with limited resources

Today, as security threats increase and regulatory requirements grow more complex, businesses are recognizing that compliance and security are business-critical priorities. …

CentOS 6.0 released

CentOS 6.0 for i386 and x86_64 architectures is now available. It is based on the upstream release EL 6.0 and includes packages from all variants. All upstream repositories …

Syringe: Windows injection utility

SecureState released Syringe, a general purpose injection utility for the windows platform. It supports injection of DLLs, and shellcode into remote processes as well as …

The future of identity verification through keystroke dynamics

When someone mentions biometrics, the first (and sometimes the only) thing that comes to mind to many people are physical characteristics on the basis of which people can be …

WordPress 3.1.4 fixes security issues

WordPress 3.1.4 is available now and is a maintenance and security update for all previous versions. This release fixes an issue that could allow a malicious Editor-level user …

2011 CWE/SANS top 25 most dangerous software errors

SANS and Mitre have released the CWE/SANS Top 25 Most Dangerous Software Errors list for 2011. The list was compiled with the help of a great number of security experts from a …

Free anti-virus technology for Amazon EC2

AVG announced free anti-virus technology for Amazon EC2 users. The preconfigured software bundled within an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) is now available on the Amazon Web …

Encrypted voice calling for the iPhone

Cellcrypt Mobile for iPhone provides voice call encryption for commercially available off-the-shelf cell phones using government-certified security through an easy-to-use …

Spammers push cloned apps on Android Market

No stone is left unturned, no option unexplored when it comes to online spamming, and the latest approach has shown that malware authors are not the only ones who have taken …

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