Is the Firefox 10 silent update feature a good thing?
Mozilla is planning to implement silent background updates in the upcoming version of Firefox 10, which could be very bad news on the security front, according to Philip …
Turn smartphones into mobile security systems
StreetSafe is a mobile personal security system that combines wireless networks with GPS technologies and a safety network and database. “StreetSafe is accessible …
Solutions for inspecting and securing SSL traffic
Fidelis Security Systems announced the SSL Decoder within Fidelis XPS, which provides the ability to assess the authenticity of an SSL certificate. They also introduced the …
Personal electronic signatures for everyone
DocuSign Ink helps consumers finish personal business faster by eliminating once and for all the hassles and costs of printing, faxing, scanning, and overnighting signed …
Open source biometrics technology for mobile devices, PCs and servers
DigitalPersona has open sourced its new MINEX-certified FingerJetFX fingerprint feature extraction technology. FingerJetFX, Open Source Edition (OSE), is free, portable …
Securely share files between PC, Mac, iOS and Android
Trend Micro released SafeSync, a tool for safe and simple synchronization. The new offering provides consumers an enhanced look and feel, simplified sync functionality and …
Email archiving with business intelligence capabilities
GFI Software announced GFI MailArchiver, an email archiving solution that includes MailInsights, a data analysis tool that enables SMBs to maximize the wealth of information …
Forensics for advanced threat activity
Damballa announced Failsafe 5.0, a solution that hunts for undetected threats by correlating a variety of observed network behaviors that indicate malware-infected devices …
Joomla! security bypass weakness and XSS vulnerability
A weakness and a vulnerability have been reported in Joomla!, which can be exploited by malicious people to bypass certain security restrictions and conduct cross-site …
Top five tips to avoid bad apps
While reported mobile malware incidents are still relatively low in number, McAfee Labs is seeing significant growth in the mobile malware threat landscape. Due to the fact …
Apple OS X sandbox hole allows bypassing of restrictions
Following Apple’s announcement that all applications submitted for inclusion in the App Store will have to have sandboxing implemented starting from March 1, 2012, …
Entry VPN client for Windows
NCP engineering announced Secure Entry Client 9.3, its entry VPN client for Windows which supports mobile broadband in Windows 7 and Internet Key Exchange version 2 (IKEv2). …