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Nmap introduces 51 new scripts

Nmap is a free and open source utility for network exploration or security auditing. Many systems and network administrators also find it useful for tasks such as network …

Single packet authorization and port knocking

fwknop implements an authorization scheme called Single Packet Authorization (SPA). This method of authorization is based around a default-drop packet filter (fwknop supports …

Microsoft provides protection for ASP.NET vulnerability

Microsoft published Security Advisory 2659883 to provide a workaround to help protect ASP.NET customers from a publicly disclosed vulnerability that affects various Web …

Mac management tools from Google

Google’s internal Macintosh Operations team is starting to release the utilities, tools, and scripts for managing and tracking a fleet of Macintoshes in a corporate …

Pentagon officials allowed to use Android

US Department of Defense officials that need a mobile device are no longer restricted to using a BlackBerry, reports Muktware. The Pentagon has now also allowed the use of …

NAC system PacketFence 3.1.0 released

PacketFence is a fully supported, trusted, free and open source network access control (NAC) system. Boasting a feature set including a captive-portal for registration and …

Compliance data service from software piracy experts

To accelerate the identification of companies using unlicensed software, V.i. Labs announced a data service to automatically match license infringement records to a named …

SDK advances face recognition for large surveillance systems

Neurotechnology announced VeriLook Surveillance 2.0, a SDK for biometric face identification using live video streams from single or multiple high-resolution digital …

Firefox 9 closes security holes

Mozilla released Firefox 9 that fixes several security and stability issues. Crash when plugin removes itself on Mac OS X FireBreath developer Richard Bateman reported a crash …

Exostar updates identity management solution

Exostar, whose cloud-based solutions enable secure business-to-business collaboration, announced it has expanded its Managed Access Gateway (MAG) identity management service …

OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set 2.2.3 released

ModSecurity is a web application firewall engine that provides very little protection on its own. In order to become useful, ModSecurity must be configured with rules. In …

Sophos enhances mobile device management platform

Sophos announced Mobile Control 2.0, a mobile device management solution that supports iPhones and iPads, Android phones and tablets, Windows Mobile devices and RIM BlackBerry …

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