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Improved data recovery from SSDs

Data recovery from new types of data storage can be extremely time-consuming because of the need to research the algorithms used to originally store the data. Previously, …

Security for IT consumerization

Lancope announced that its StealthWatch System extends network visibility to mobile devices for the security of bring-your-own-device (BYOD) environments. By analyzing mobile …

Symantec releases Backup Exec 2012

Symantec announced Backup Exec 2012 to help users eliminate complexity, perform backups in 100 percent virtualized environments and deliver instantaneous and cloud-based …

Windows privilege management with enterprise reporting capabilities

Avecto has unveiled the latest version of its Privilege Guard technology, developed to enable organizations to give all users the privileges they need to remain productive …

Netop updates remote support and management solution

Netop unveiled the latest version of its remote support product, Netop Remote Control 11. Now with a new secure tunnel option, customers can extend their support and …

Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3 released

The 10.7.3 update is recommended for all OS X Lion users and includes general operating system fixes that improve the stability, compatibility, and security of your Mac. The …

Multi-factor authentication for mobile users

DigitalPersona announced the newest version of DigitalPersona Pro Enterprise has support for a variety of new authentication credentials. With the software, organizations can …

Strong network security in the cloud

CloudPassage unveiled Halo NetSec, an automated solution that provides advanced network access control for servers running in public clouds including Rackspace and Amazon EC2. …

Continuous monitoring of network infrastructures

Skybox Security announced Skybox Network Assurance 6.0, a solution for continuous monitoring of network infrastructures. New versions of FFIEC, PCI, FISMA and other …

Millions of infected Android apps… or not?

Over the weekend, several websites picked up Symantec’s story about Trojanized apps on the official Android Market. This happens from time to time, but what got …

Apache Shiro: Java security framework

Apache Shiro is a Java security framework that performs authentication, authorization, cryptography, and session management. With Shiro’s API, you can secure any …

The ABCs of security and compliance

Understanding Security and Compliance is as easy as ABC: Access, Breaches and Changes. At a distance security and compliance share many similarities. As you get into the …

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