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Compliance data service from software piracy experts

To accelerate the identification of companies using unlicensed software, V.i. Labs announced a data service to automatically match license infringement records to a named …

SDK advances face recognition for large surveillance systems

Neurotechnology announced VeriLook Surveillance 2.0, a SDK for biometric face identification using live video streams from single or multiple high-resolution digital …

Firefox 9 closes security holes

Mozilla released Firefox 9 that fixes several security and stability issues. Crash when plugin removes itself on Mac OS X FireBreath developer Richard Bateman reported a crash …

Exostar updates identity management solution

Exostar, whose cloud-based solutions enable secure business-to-business collaboration, announced it has expanded its Managed Access Gateway (MAG) identity management service …

OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set 2.2.3 released

ModSecurity is a web application firewall engine that provides very little protection on its own. In order to become useful, ModSecurity must be configured with rules. In …

Sophos enhances mobile device management platform

Sophos announced Mobile Control 2.0, a mobile device management solution that supports iPhones and iPads, Android phones and tablets, Windows Mobile devices and RIM BlackBerry …

How to avoid malware hiding behind QR codes

As the use of QR codes becomes increasingly widespread, users should be aware that they are also becoming an easy way for malware peddlers to spread their malicious wares. …

Syncplicity launches Security and Compliance Console

With Syncplicity, users get their own secure Virtual Private Cloud where they use the applications, files and folders they are used to. With the File changes, no matter where …

Carrier IQ bug did allow some SMS recording

Carrier IQ, the mobile analytics company that has lately been in the midst of a battle to prove that their CarrierIQ software didn’t log private information, has …

Mobile VPN client for Android

Columbitech released a mobile VPN client for Android 4.0, available for free download from Android Market. The security level of the Columbitech MVPN is designed for …

Managing firewalls in virtual environments

AlgoSec announced the ia solution for managing firewalls in virtual environments. AlgoSec Security Management Suite simplifies hypervisor-level firewall management by …

Tips to stay protected online

Now more than ever before, computer users need to take measures to protect themselves online, and choosing the right antivirus software is a key step in defending against …

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