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Juniper Networks enhances its Mykonos Web Security software

Juniper Networks announced major platform enhancements to its Mykonos Web Security software. The new release provides 30 new features and enhancements that strengthen …

UFED Touch: Field-ready mobile forensics solution

Cellebrite launched UFED Touch, a solution for investigators to extract and decode digital evidence from mobile devices including smartphones, legacy phones, portable GPSs and …

Security posture management from FireMon

FireMon announced Security Manager 6.0, a security policy and posture management solution that integrates risk analysis with configuration management, enforcement and auditing …

Flamer removal tool from Bitdefender

Bitdefender released a tool to find and remove the most complex, dangerous spy tool yet discovered, the newly discovered Flamer attack toolkit. Flamer, also known as Skywiper, …

Nominum releases mobile security solution

Faster mobile networks, explosive consumer demand, more powerful smartphones, and the influx of non-handset mobile-ready devices make mobile networks an attractive option for …

Birdstep unveils SafeMove SSL VPN

Birdstep launched its SafeMove Clientless SSL VPN, offering easy, secure and efficient remote access to the enterprise network. While Birdstep’s full SafeMove Mobile VPN …

Security analysis tool Trisul 2.4 released

Trisul is a new kind of network monitor that supplements fine grained traffic metering with flows, packets, and alerts. You can carry out any kind of network and security …

Wombat enhances PhishPatrol, the anti-phishing email filter

Wombat Security Technologies released a new version of PhishPatrol, an e-mail filter designed to strengthen a business’s current filtering system by catching phishing …

Cellebrite updates forensic extraction device

Cellebrite announced the release of several advancements for the company’s industry leading Universal Forensic Extraction Device (UFED) Series. Cellebrite’s …

SaaSID launches Cloud Application Manager

SaaSID unveiled Cloud Application Manager (CAM), security software that provides single sign on (SSO), application shaping and auditing of any applications accessed using a …

Nmap 6 released

Nmap is a free and open source utility for network exploration or security auditing. Nmap uses raw IP packets in novel ways to determine what hosts are available on the …

Instant decryption of MS Office 2010 documents now possible

Passware announced Passware Kit Forensic 11.7, which includes live memory analysis and subsequent decryption of MS Word or Excel 2007-2010 files. In addition, the new version …

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