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RIPS: Free PHP security scanner

RIPS finds vulnerabilities in PHP applications using static code analysis. By tokenizing and parsing all source code files RIPS is able to transform PHP source code into a …

User activity monitoring for Windows and OS X

SpectorSoft released SPECTOR 360 7.4, user activity monitoring software for Mac and Windows networks. The software provides visibility into and analysis of the digital …

Secunia PSI 3.0 released

Secunia announced the availability of Secunia PSI 3.0, a free computer security scanner which identifies software applications that are insecure and in need of security …

FIPS-validated mobile VPN for iPhone and iPad

Columbitech announced the availability of the enterprise-grade mVPN Secure Browser 5.0, which supports the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. The browser provides secure access to …

Splunk App for Active Directory released

Splunk announced the Splunk App for Active Directory which helps enable organizations to avoid service outages and provides proactive management and compliance reporting of …

Bitdefender unveils new generation of products

Bitdefender launched Bitdefender 2013, improving and adding a whole arsenal of features to keep users safe. Bitdefender Safepay brings online banking and shopping to a whole …

DroidSheep: Android tool for session hijacking

DroidSheep is a simple Android tool for web session hijacking (sidejacking). It listens for HTTP packets sent via a wireless (802.11) network connection and extracts the …

Real-time alert system shows active cyber attacks in 3D

A solution to the problem of how to spot cyber attacks on a network as soon as they have begun might just be coming from Japan, reports DigInfo TV. Researchers from the …

HP secures the mobile workforce

HP announced new offerings to help SMBs prepare their technology infrastructures for a growing mobile workforce. With more than 1.1 billion mobile appliances in use worldwide, …

Federated identity service based on virtualization

Radiant Logic released RadiantOne VDS 6. Designed to provide one logical access point for enterprise identities, it enables authentication and authorization across multiple …

Securely open cloud apps to mobile devices

Layer 7 Technologies released the SecureSpan Mobile Access Gateway which simplifies how internal information gets exposed to mobile apps and developers while giving architects …

Control and measure web application scans

NT OBJECTives announced NTOEnterprise 2.0 which enables organizations to plan, manage, control and measure web application scans and also assess and prioritize areas of …

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