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NSS Labs expose inadequate AV products

NSS Labs testing showed that 9 of 13 popular consumer anti-virus products tested failed to provide adequate protection against exploits targeting two recent critical Microsoft …

Rackspace launches OpenStack-based private cloud

Rackspace released the Rackspace Private Cloud, powered by OpenStack – making it simple for companies to install, test and run a multi-node OpenStack based private cloud …

Recovery for Linux and UNIX systems

Storix announced System Backup Administrator (SBAdmin) version 8.1, which includes new features and enhancements to simplify system recovery. SBAdmin goes beyond just data …

Cyber-Ark enhances security of files in-transit

Cyber-Ark Software announced version 7 of its Sensitive Information Management Suite to support secure file exchange environments. The suite isolates sensitive data sent over …

Who is using the commercial cyberespionage tool FinFisher?

Malware development has long stopped being the exclusive domain of individuals and groups looking for strictly fame or money. As years passed and everybody and everything went …

BackTrack 5 R3 released

BackTrack is a Linux-based penetration testing arsenal that aids security professionals in the ability to perform assessments in a purely native environment dedicated to …

Sophos helps businesses embrace BYOD

Sophos announced the latest version of its mobile device management (MDM) solution, Sophos Mobile Control 2.5. With an updated web-based administrative console and new feature …

Behavior-based fraud prevention for ACH transactions

Guardian Analytics announced FraudMAP ACH. Using the same behavior-based anomaly detection technology proven to prevent fraud at hundreds of banks and credit unions in the …

Microsoft and NYPD unveil new centralized surveillance system

New York City and Microsoft have joined forces and developed a new computer system that aggregates and analyzes the information gathered through a number of public safety data …

Microsoft Virtual Machine Servicing Tool 2012 released

Virtual Machine Servicing Tool (VMST) 2012 is designed to work with System Center 2012 -Virtual Machine Manager (VMM), System Center 2012 Configuration Manager and Windows …

Coud-based security service for iOS devices

Websense released the new TRITON Mobile Security solution, a cloud-based security service for iOS devices on wireless mobile networks. It combines four key elements for …

vCat for Mobile: Mobile network emulation tool

Shunra announced vCat for Mobile, a network virtualization and application performance engineering solution designed specifically to help organizations test, validate, and …

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