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Static analysis tool for C and C++

GrammaTech announced CodeSonar 3.8, a static analysis tool for C and C++. Improvements in CodeSonar 3.8 include: Faster analysis that takes full advantage of multi-core …

Secure operating system Qubes officially released

“After nearly three years of work, I have the pleasure to announce that Qubes 1.0 has finally been released,” Joanna Rutkowska, Founder and CEO of Invisible Things …

Secunia launches Corporate Software Inspector 6.0

Secunia announced the Secunia Corporate Software Inspector (CSI) 6.0 which provides customers with the ability to understand and evaluate their entire threat landscape, …

AirMapper App for Android measures Wi-Fi coverage and performance

Fluke Networks announced the AirMapper App, the first application for Android that provides a visual heat map of actual Wi-Fi throughput performance on smartphone and tablet …

vOPS Server Standard 6 extends control into cloud deployments

VKernel announced vOPS Server Standard 6.0. This release extends control into cloud environments and virtual machine (VM) performance with unified multi-data source VM issue …

Sensitive data protection with A+ Folder Locker

Giant Matrix released A+ Folder Locker, its new product for sensitive data protection. Thanks to advanced encryption algorithms and multi-level security, it guarantees that …

Identifying and mitigating risk in virtual environments

Accuvant announced its FIDELITYv framework for identifying and mitigating risk in virtual environments which helps organizations realize more secure and agile IT models with …

Splunk delivers operational intelligence for the cloud

Splunk announced Splunk Storm, a cloud service based on the Splunk software and is for organizations that develop and run applications in the public cloud, using services such …

Trend Micro Deep Security 9 released

Trend Micro announced Deep Security 9, a server security platform designed to provide server, application and data security across physical, virtual and cloud environments …

Safeguard Facebook photos with McAfee Social Protection

McAfee announced the availability of a free public beta of McAfee Social Protection, a new app for Facebook that protects users’ photos from being shared without their …

iAlertTag wirelessly secures, alerts, and locates your iPhone

Cirago International released its new iAlertTag (IAT1000), a solution for finding a lost iPhone, keeping an iPhone close by or locking your Windows laptop. iAlertTag creates a …

Data protection for the cloud with ProtectV

As more data moves to private or public clouds, the number of super-users with access to an organization’s data multiplies, the risk of VMs being copied without the …

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