Sophos updates free Virus Removal Tool
Sophos has updated its free Virus Removal Tool, now available here for download. The tool, designed to work alongside an existing anti-virus installation, removes viruses, …
ISF launches Benchmark as a Service
The Information Security Forum (ISF) launched a Benchmark as a Service (BaaS) tool. This online initiative will assist users in identifying strengths and weaknesses and …
Geolocation in iOS
Take advantage of iPhone and iPad sensors and advanced geolocation technologies to build state-of-the-art location applications. Geolocation in iOS takes you deep inside …
Assess and monitor SAP security with ERPScan
ERPScan released the version 2.1 of their Security Scanner for SAP, which is currently the only solution on the market to assess and monitor 3 tiers of SAP security: …
nCircle releases Configuration Compliance Manager 5.13
nCircle announced its Configuration Compliance Manager 5.13. This release adds the ability to audit MySQL and Microsoft Windows Server Internet Information Services (IIS) 7 …
Qualys expands QualysGuard PCI cloud platform
Qualys has expanded QualysGuard PCI to assist organizations of all sizes to meet Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standards (DSS), including new internal scanning …
Whonix: Anonymous operating system
Whonix is an anonymous general purpose operating system based on Virtual Box, Ubuntu GNU/Linux and Tor. By Whonix design, IP and DNS leaks are impossible. Not even malware …
One-click security within Microsoft Outlook
CertiVox launched an automatic, end-to-end encryption capability designed specifically to enable government, businesses and individuals to benefit from one-click security …
Trend Micro introduces defense against targeted attacks
Trend Micro is introducing Custom Defense – an advanced threat protection solution that enables businesses and government agencies not only to detect and analyze APTs …
Netgear developer program ignites app creation
Netgear announced a new developer program for developers to create new apps to help customers get more out of the millions of Netgear devices purchased every month. Developers …
USBGuru simulated attack service
Wombat launched USBGuru, a simulated USB attack service to address the growing threat of fraud due to rogue memory devices loaded with malware. USBGuru is a …
iPhone-controlled keyless lock
Lockitron replaces keys with your phone. With Lockitron, you can instantly grant family, friends and guests access to your home or business from anywhere in the world using …