social networking

Six tips for practicing safe social media
With Facebook now counting over 1.7 billion monthly users and LinkedIn another 467 million, it was only a matter of time until criminal hackers turned their attention to …

Malware masquerading as an image spreads via Facebook
Malware spreading via Facebook has become a rare occurrence, but it does still occasionally crop up. The latest instance has been noticed by malware researcher Bart Blaze, and …

While consumers remain complacent, hackers refine their skills
A new Norton Cyber Security Insights Report found that consumers who were victims of cybercrime within the past year often continued their unsafe behavior. For example, while …

Fake executive social media accounts threaten enterprises
New research has uncovered numerous duplicative Twitter and LinkedIn accounts among Fortune 500 leaders, raising concerns about potential security vulnerabilities. Analysts at …

Facebook, Google ban fake news sources from their ad networks
Despite Mark Zuckerberg’s dismissive attitude regarding the claim that Facebook had an inappropriate impact on the US elections, the company has moved to bar sources of …

100 milion VK accounts put up for sale
Another “historic” mega breach has been revealed as someone who goes by the alias “” has begun selling info tied to 100 milion VK …

FindFace app heralds the end of public anonymity and privacy?
While Facebook battles in court to be allowed to use its facial recognition tech (which it already gave up using in Europe), another company – whose facial recognition …

1 in 10 people have posed as someone else online
Our need for ease and convenience is putting our digital identities and security at risk. A new BehavioSec report finds that 37% of us have shared our personal security data …

Most users limit personal info on social media due to hacking fears
Only 10 percent of internet-using adults in America used at least one social networking site in 2005. More than a decade later that number has grown exponentially, with 84 …