social networking

Cambridge Analytica and Facebook’s privacy storm: Latest developments
A day before the most recent exposé on Strategic Communication Laboratories (SCL)/Cambridge Analytica’s exploitation of user data syphoned out of Facebook to fuel …

Realistic, well-positioned Reddit clone is out to grab users’ login credentials
A convincing clone of the popular social news aggregation and discussion site Reddit has been spotted on the domain. The author is obviously counting on users not to …

Have you been fooled by Russian propaganda? Facebook’s new tool will show you
If you’re one of those people who mentally check out of news the day before Thanksgiving, you might have missed Facebook’s announcement about a new tool aimed at …

Attackers exploited Instagram API bug to access users’ contact info
Instagram has confirmed that “one or more individuals obtained unlawful access to a number of high-profile Instagram users’ contact information — specifically …

Obscuring malicious Facebook links using the Open Graph Protocol
Most users click on links popping up in their Facebook News Feed without thinking twice about it, but it’s good to keep in mind that they can lead to malicious sites. …

Facebook moderators can inspect private messages of users suspected of terror links
Pressured by European governments, Facebook, Twitter and Google are trying to tackle the extremist propaganda and recruitment on their social networks and sites. It’s an …

Fake news services and tools proliferate on online markets
Fake news is not a new concept, but the Internet – and social media and networks in particular – have made it infinitely easier for it to spread and reach its …

Weak social network password security is more trouble than you think
53 percent of users haven’t changed their social network passwords in more than one year – with 20 percent having never changed their passwords at all, according to a …

Cybersecurity today: Turning positive with new thinking and innovation
In this podcast recorded at RSA Conference 2017, Melanie Ensign, Co-Chair for WISP and Head of Security & Privacy Communications at Uber, and Ajay Arora, CEO and founder …

The anti social network
Let’s be honest. Our online world is judged on how others view us, or as the psychologist Caldini would put it social validation. Want to buy a product? Well how many people …

How to minimize the risk and impact of identity fraud
The number of identity fraud victims increased by sixteen percent (rising to 15.4 million U.S. consumers) in the last year, according to Javelin Strategy & Research. They …

The rising use of personal identities in the workplace
90% of enterprise IT professionals are concerned that employee reuse of personal credentials for work purposes could compromise security. However, with 68% saying they would …