social networking

Facebook data breach: Victims will not be offered free identity theft protection
Facebook announced that the recent data breach it has suffered is a little less massive than initially thought: “only” 30 million users have been affected. But, …

The ultimate fallout from the Facebook data breach could be massive
Less than a week ago, Facebook announced that unknown attackers have managed to string together three bugs affecting the social media platform, which allowed them to steal …

Mobile fraud is increasing, attack rates rising 24% year-over-year
ThreatMetrix released new cybercrime insights from the first half of 2018, revealing a sharp rise in fraud attack levels on mobile transactions. As consumer behavior …

Are privacy and personal identity impossible to protect?
While consumers and businesses expand their use of social media and electronic services to record levels, many of America’s most knowledgeable security professionals don’t …

Facebook confirms bug messed with 14 million users’ sharing settings
Facebook has admitted that, between May 18 and 27, posts by some 14 million users were automatically set to be shared with the public. “Every time you share something on …

Social media: The zero-trust game
Our value today is measured in numbers. Followers, connections, likes, tweets, and impressions now count toward not only the value of our opinions but also quantify our sphere …

Facebook announces “Clear History” privacy tool
Facebook has announced new products and redesigns of old ones during its annual F8 developer conference, as well as changes meant to reassure users that the company is doing …

Researchers develop algorithm to detect fake users on social networks
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and University of Washington researchers have developed a new generic method to detect fake accounts on most types of social networks, …

Information security can enable business as soon as we change the conversation
Information security is an enabler for business. This has been a mantra for some time, and although it is repeated at major conferences, the reality is that the lack of good …

Malicious actors used Facebook’s own tools to scrape most users’ public info
Facebook has disabled a search tool that allowed anyone to enter a person’s phone number or email address into Facebook and find their account, along with all the information …

How Facebook’s data issue is a lesson for everyone
The headlines have been dominated by the recent news around Facebook, Cambridge Analytica and the misuse of customer data. The impact of these revelations has led to millions …

Facebook’s trust crisis: Has it harmed democracy?
Barraged by accusations of spreading divisive fake news and amid new allegations that it handed over personal information on up to 50 million users without their consent, …