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Disinformation campaigns can spread like wildfire on social media

76% of Americans believe they’ve encountered disinformation firsthand and 20% say they’ve shared information later shown to be incorrect or intentionally misleading, according …

Phishing gangs mounting high-ticket BEC attacks, average loss now $80,000

Companies are losing money to criminals who are launching Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks as a more remunerative line of business than retail-accounts phishing, APWG …

New technique keeps your online photos safe from facial recognition algorithms

In one second, the human eye can only scan through a few photographs. Computers, on the other hand, are capable of performing billions of calculations in the same amount of …

How much is your data worth on the dark web?

Credit card details, online banking logins, and social media credentials are available on the dark web at worryingly low prices, according to Privacy Affairs. Online banking …

Software vulnerabilities sometimes first announced on social media

Software vulnerabilities are more likely to be discussed on social media before they’re revealed on a government reporting site, a practice that could pose a national …

identity theft
Why people talk a good game about privacy, but fail to follow up in real life?

While most people will say they are extremely concerned with their online privacy, previous experiments have shown that, in practice, users readily divulge privacy information …

Researchers use AI and create early warning system to identify disinformation online

Researchers at the University of Notre Dame are using artificial intelligence to develop an early warning system that will identify manipulated images, deepfake videos and …

How people deal with fake news or misinformation in their social media feeds

Social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, provide people with a lot of information, but it’s getting harder and harder to tell what’s real and …

The rise of human-driven fraud attacks

There has been a major spike in human-driven attacks – which rose 90% compared to six months previously, according to Arkose Labs. Changing attack patterns were felt across …

Most Americans feel powerless to prevent data collection, online tracking

Most U.S. adults say that the potential risks they face because of data collection by companies (81%) and the government (66%) outweigh the benefits, but most (>80%) feel that …

Do you think you can recognize fake news on Facebook?

With the presidential election season moving into high gear, campaign messaging will soon begin increasing dramatically. But for those of us who get our news from social …

Global internet freedom declines for the ninth consecutive year

Governments around the world are increasingly using social media to manipulate elections and monitor their citizens, tilting the technology toward digital authoritarianism. As …

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