
WhatsApp implements end-to-end encryption by default
Over 1 billion users will get end-to-end encryption by default once they update to the latest version of the software. WhatsApp, the most popular messaging app in the world, …

The security impact of IoT evolution
Francis Bacon, First Viscount St. Alban (1561 – 1626), wrote, “As the births of living creatures, at first are ill-shapen, so are all innovations, which are the births of …

Encryption securing money transfers on mobile phones can be broken
A group of researchers has proved that it is possible to break the encryption used by many mobile payment apps by simply measuring and analysing the electromagnetic radiation …

Hack a mobile phone’s fingerprint sensor in 15 minutes
Two researchers from Michigan State University’s biometrics group have devised a method for hacking mobile phone’s fingerprint authentication by using just a color …

Android users on high alert as malware, phishing and scams are projected to rise
Android phones are popular and growing more so every day. According to research firm IDC, there were close to 350 million active smartphones worldwide in the second quarter of …
Security update kills several critical bugs in Android Marshmallow
Google’s November Android security update carries fixes for seven vulnerabilities, including two remote code execution flaws that are rated “critical” …
Nearly 2% of all smartphones are compromised or high risk
By analyzing worldwide threat Intelligence data based on millions of monthly security tests from July through September 2015, a new report found 41 percent of mobile devices …
Android infostealer masquerading as MS Word document
A clever Android information-stealing piece of malware is lurking on third-party app markets popular with Chinese users.“The malware portrays itself as a data file with …
Attackers can use Siri, Google Now to secretly take over smartphones
A team of researchers from the French Network and Information Security Agency (ANSSI) has devised a way to covertly exploit the Siri and Google Now voice activated personal …
Which Android smartphones are most secure?
87% of Android devices are vulnerable to attack by malicious apps and messages, a group of researchers from Cambridge University in England has revealed.For years now, they …
Silent Circle launches Blackphone 2, delivering business and personal privacy
Silent Circle has launched Blackphone 2 – its next-generation smartphone that delivers privacy and security. It provides full device encryption by default through harnessing …
Keyboard app bug puts millions of Samsung mobile users at risk, researcher claims
A vulnerability in the Swift keyboard, which comes pre-installed on Samsung mobile devices, can be exploited by remote attackers to secretly install malicious apps, access the …