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Electronics repair
Electronics repair technicians snoop on your data

When your computer or smartphone needs repairing, can you trust repair technicians not to access or steal your personal data? According to the results of a recent research by …

Ring Android app
Vulnerability in Amazon Ring app allowed access to private camera recordings

A vulnerability in the Android version of the Ring app, which is used to remotely manage Amazon Ring outdoor (video doorbell) and indoor surveillance cameras, could have been …

location services
The weaponizing of smartphone location data on the battlefield

For soldiers on the battlefield, the act of turning on one’s smartphone has been described as the digital equivalent of lighting a cigarette, as doing so creates a signal …

Banking malware threats are increasing sharply

Banking malware threats are sharply increasing as cybercriminals target the rising popularity of mobile banking on smartphones, with plots aimed at stealing personal banking …

Google Play malware
Rooting malware discovered on Google Play, Samsung Galaxy Store

Researchers have discovered 19 mobile apps carrying rooting malware on official and third-party Android app stores, including Google Play and Samsung Galaxy Store. …

Unauthorized account openings increased by 21% in the last 12 months

Fifty-eight million consumers had a new account opened without their authorization in the last 12 months, a 21% increase compared to 2020, yet less than half of Americans know …

airport security
Smartphone counterespionage for travelers

If you’re traveling abroad on business, there’s a good chance you’ll need to bring along a smartphone to get around, meet up with associates or learn about the idiosyncrasies …

Android data sharing remains significant, no opt-out available to users

An in-depth analysis of a range of popular Android mobile phones has revealed significant data collection and sharing, including with third parties, with no opt-out available …

Everyday cybersecurity practices inadequate among many online consumers

Bitdefender released a report which reveals how consumers across various age groups and socio-demographic backgrounds behave on popular platforms, applications and devices, …

Bluetooth mesh
Digital key builds on past practices to create a more secure future

Too often, we assume that new technology replaces the old, but technology often builds off past generations, ideas, and success, rather than abandoning it altogether. Some …

How to protect the corporate network from spyware

It used to be easy for network administrators to identify where corporate boundaries are; they were usually where the external and internal networks meet. That made it easy …

Number of users of software-based facial recognition for payments to surge

The number of users of software-based facial recognition to secure payments will exceed 1.4 billion globally by 2025, from just 671 million in 2020, a Juniper Research study …

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