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connected house
Securing the connected home: A joint task for homeowners and their ISP

As COVID-19 spread over the world and nations and businesses adapted to minimize citizens’ and employees’ personal interactions to help contain the infection, a …

Consumers vastly misjudge the vulnerability of their home networks

Internet users in the United States vastly underestimate how often their home networks are targeted by cyber threats. That’s one of the key findings of a new Comcast report. …

Attacks on IoT devices continue to escalate

Attacks on IoT devices continue to rise at an alarming rate due to poor security protections and cybercriminals use of automated tools to exploit these vulnerabilities, …

Consumers don’t entirely trust smart home tech

Smart home tech is marketed to enhance your home and make life easier. However, UK consumers are not convinced that they can trust the privacy and security of these …

connected house
Multiple vulnerabilities discovered in smart home devices

ESET researchers found serious security vulnerabilities in three different home hubs: Fibaro Home Center Lite, HomeMatic Central Control Unit (CCU2) and eLAN-RF-003. Some of …

Seven key cybersecurity trends for 2020 by world-leading professionals

The developments in the area of cybersecurity are alarming. As the number of smart devices in private households increase, so do the opportunities for cybercriminals to …

Smart cities are on the rise, what are the dangers?

A combination of job prospects, local amenities and other attractions is drawing more people to city living than ever before. Indeed, the UN estimates that by 2050 two-thirds …

Unpatchable KeyWe smart lock can be easily picked

A design flaw in the KeyWe smart lock (GKW-2000D), which is mostly used for remote-controlled entry to private residences, can be exploited by attackers to gain access to the …

New protocol extends Wi-Fi range, can be used with existing hardware

A protocol that significantly extends the distance a Wi-Fi-enabled device can send and receive signals has been created by a group of researchers led by a Brigham Young …

Could lighting your home open up your personal information to hackers?

Earlier this year Amazon’s Echo made global headlines when it was reported that consumers’ conversations were recorded and heard by thousands of employees. Now …

Consumer spending on technology forecast to reach $1.69 trillion in 2019

Consumer spending on technology is forecast to reach $1.69 trillion in 2019, an increase of 5.3% over 2018. Traditional technologies still dominate According to the latest …

connected house
Consumers concerned about connected home privacy, still few implement safety practices

In order to understand what people are doing to protect themselves from the risk of compromised smart home devices, such as internet-connected TVs, smart thermostats, home …

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