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What patches to prioritize following the April 2018 Patch Tuesday?

Patch Tuesday came and went and, as usual, Microsoft and Adobe have released patches/security updates for vulnerabilities affecting a wide variety of their products. …

April Patch Tuesday forecast: Expect updates for Adobe Flash, others

Springtime is here! Although up here in Minnesota you wouldn’t believe it as we received snowfalls that rivaled anything in the past 34 years! As spring arrives you think of …

Easily exploited flaw in Microsoft Malware Protection Engine allows total system compromise

A critical and extremely easily exploitable vulnerability in the Microsoft Malware Protection Engine (MMPE) has been patched through an out-of-band security update pushed out …

Intel inside
Intel will not provide Spectre/Meltdown microcode updates for some processor families

Intel has decided not to provide microcode updates to plug Spectre and Meltdown vulnerabilities in a number of older processors. According to the last update (April 2, 2018) …

Cisco switch
Critical vulnerability opens Cisco switches to remote attack

A critical vulnerability affecting many of Cisco’s networking devices could be exploited by unauthenticated, remote attackers to take over vulnerable devices or trigger …

How to close the security update gap

Security patching is hard and patch fatigue is real. So what can be done to make the process more simple, less disruptive, and more likely to be performed in a timely manner? …

Firefox Quantum
Firefox news: Fresh releases, Firefox Quantum for Enterprise, privacy protections

Firefox 59 (for desktop and mobile) and Firefox ESR 52.7 have been released to the public. Privacy enhancements and security fixes The former sports some performance …

Researchers find critical flaws in SecurEnvoy SecurMail, patch now!

If you’re a user of SecurEnvoy SecurMail and you haven’t yet implemented the latest patch, do so now – or risk getting your encrypted emails read by …

Cisco fixes critical flaw in its Secure Access Control System

Cisco has pushed out fixes for security vulnerabilities in a wide variety of its products, including two critical flaws in its Secure Access Control System (ACS) and its Prime …

Exim vulnerability opens 400,000 servers to remote code execution

If you’re using the Exim mail transfer agent on your Internet-connected Unix-like systems and you haven’t yet upgraded to version 4.90.1, now is the time to do it …

Intel Skylake
Microsoft releases Spectre fixes for Windows 10 on Skylake CPUs

Microsoft has pushed out a new set of Spectre (variant 2) security updates. For the moment, these are just for some devices running on Skylake CPUs and Windows 10 Fall …

Phillips clinical imaging solution plagued by vulnerabilities

Phillips is developing a software update to mitigate 35 CVE-numbered vulnerabilities in the Philips IntelliSpace Portal (ISP), a clinical imaging visualization and analysis …

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