security awareness
Don’t worry about zero-days, says Microsoft
Microsoft released its Security Intelligence Report volume 11 (SIRv11), which found that less than 1 percent of exploits in the first half of 2011 were against zero-day …
Most social networks users don’t keep up with privacy settings changes
The proliferation and usage of mobile devices is exponentially growing, as is consumers’ dependence on the Web, causing many to lose sight of the importance of keeping …
This is how Windows get infected with malware
When a Microsoft Windows machine gets infected by viruses/malware it does so mainly because users forget to update the Java JRE, Adobe Reader/Acrobat and Adobe Flash. This is …
Strong security is just common sense
For many years those who concerned themselves with an organization’s cyber security warned of threats, both internal and external, urging organizations to adequately …
48% of enterprises targeted by social engineering attacks
48% of enterprises have been victims of social engineering attacks, experiencing 25 or more such attacks in the past two years at a average cost of over £15,000 per …
Majority of small businesses unprepared for data disaster
Although small businesses recognize the impact data loss could have on their business, more than half (57 percent) do not have a disaster preparedness plan for business data. …
Cyber security leaders share their APT knowledge
RSA and TechAmerica released key findings derived from a forum of more than 100 of the world’s top cyber security leaders from government and business who met in …
Researchers steal 20GB of corporate emails via doppelganger domains
Typosquatting is a well-known phenomena on the Internet. Most users have – at one point or another – misspelled the URL of the site they wanted to visit and were …
DigiNotar breach report reveals lousy security practices
An interim report issued by security audit firm Fox IT, who has been hired to investigate the DigiNotar breach, reveals that things are far worse than we were led to believe. …
Rogue SSL certs were also issued for CIA, MI6, Mossad
The number of rogue SSL certificates issued by Dutch CA DigiNotar has ballooned from one to a couple dozen to over 250 to 531 in just a few days. As Jacob Appelbaum of the Tor …
Assessing the security of cloud providers
The Cloud Security Alliance announced the launch of a new initiative to encourage transparency of security practices within cloud providers. The CSA Security, Trust & …
Hacktivists are “villains”, say IT security pros
The majority of IT security professionals have – unsurprisingly – a negative opinion of “hacktivists”, say the results of a survey of 211 attendees at …