security awareness

Mitigating internal risk: Three steps to educate employees
IT security is usually focused on how to prevent outsiders with malicious intent from causing harm to your IT systems and data. While this is a valid concern, people within …

Consumers worry more about cybercrime than physical crime
Consumers are more worried about cybercrime than physical world crime, according to Sophos. The survey polled 1,250 consumers in the US, UK, Germany, Austria and Switzerland. …

Cybersecurity gamification: A shortcut to learning
Cybersecurity awareness trainings are usually a boring affair, so imagine my colleagues’ surprise when I exited the room in which I participated in a demonstration of …

Top 4 global security threats businesses will face in 2017
The Information Security Forum (ISF) has announced their outlook for the top four global security threats that businesses will face in 2017. “The pace and scale of …

Consumers are still making basic security faux pas online
Security remains top of mind as over 70 per cent of consumers noted they always think about their security/privacy when shopping online, according to Centrify. Unfortunately, …

Ransomware success creates apathy towards traditional antivirus software
In the last 12 months, 48 percent of organizations across the globe have fallen victim to a ransomware campaign, with 80 percent indicating that they’ve suffered from three or …

How to prepare your company for cybersecurity threats
When the FBI announced the arrest of a Russian hacker in October, it was notable – but maybe not for the reason you’d expect. Yevgeniy N., who was picked up in Prague, is …

Google Safe Browsing goes after repeat offenders
Google has had enough of sites that repeatedly endanger end users, either through malware, unwanted software, phishing or other social engineering and deceptive tactics. …

NICE framework: Resource for a strong cybersecurity workforce
The U.S. Commerce Department’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released a resource that will help U.S. employers more effectively identify, recruit, …

Most employees violate policies designed to prevent data breaches
Companies are increasing technology investments to protect against external data breaches, but employees pose a bigger threat than hackers, according to CEB. To mitigate the …

Healthcare industry lacks basic security awareness among staff
SecurityScorecard released a comprehensive analysis exposing cybersecurity vulnerabilities across 700 healthcare organizations including medical treatment facilities, health …

88% of employees lack awareness to stop privacy or security incidents
The results of a new survey testing employee data privacy and cybersecurity knowledge reveal that 88 percent lack the awareness to stop preventable cyber incidents. MediaPro …