security awareness

How organizations overcome cybersecurity hiring challenges
A strong security-focused culture and adherence to best practices helps companies attract and retain cybersecurity talent. (ISC)² commissioned the study to better understand …

IoT security: Lessons we can learn from the evolution of road safety
I was recently chatting with my father about his life as a young boy growing up in rural Ireland in the middle of the last century, and the conversation moved onto cars and …

Do your users understand your cybersecurity policy?
ObserveIT surveyed more than 1,000 full-time employees ages 18-65+ at organizations with more than 500 employees on their understanding and awareness of cybersecurity …

Confidence wavers in face of evolving cybersecurity threats
Webroot found that businesses in the U.S., U.K. and Australia are taking cybersecurity seriously – with almost 100 percent of respondents conducting some form of employee …

Exploring the maturity of corporate security awareness programs
Cyber security awareness programs are beginning to gain ground among businesses, but many of the professionals responsible for their implementation are challenged by a lack of …

The eternal struggle: Security versus users
There’s an old joke that a job in security is a safe place to be grumpy. From what I’ve seen over my career, that is often true. Security people seem to cherish their …

Which phishing messages have a near 100% click rate?
Training employees to spot phishing emails, messages and phone calls can’t be done just once or once a year if the organization wants to see click rates decrease. For …

Industries most at risk of phishing attacks revealed
A new KnowBe4 study of phishing statistics for top industries, shows small insurance companies have the highest percentage of phish-prone employees in the small to mid–size …

Should you risk buying your child smart toys currently on offer?
As the end-of-the-year holiday season approaches, many security researchers, consumer groups and even governments warn against buying specific products or, at least, to make …

Chrome will tag FTP sites as “Not secure”
Google Chrome 63, expected to be released sometime around December, will label resources delivered over the FTP protocol as “Not secure”, a member of the Chrome …

User-targeted threats at all-time high despite rising education spend
The cost of security education for large enterprises at an all-time-high of $290,033 per year per organization, and user education is rocketing up the CIO’s priority list. Yet …

Know your adversary: Focus on social engineering
In this podcast recorded at Black Hat USA 2017, Tim Roberts, Senior Security Consultant at NTT Security, talks about social engineering and emphasizes the importance of …