security awareness

Employers should develop cybersecurity protocols and invest more in employee training programs
Organizations want to trust their employees when it comes to cybersecurity, but to do so, they need to better leverage technology. The ObserveIT global survey of 600 IT …

Underserved populations unaware of cybersecurity risks
Members of underserved populations are less likely to know whether they have even been victimized by a cyber attack, and they have lower awareness of cybersecurity risks. …

Employee cybersecurity essentials part 1: Passwords and phishing
Your company may have state-of-the-art monitoring and the latest anti-malware and anti-virus programs, but that doesn’t mean you’re not at risk for a breach, or that – as an …

Breaking the cybersecurity stalemate by investing in people
No surprise, it happened again. In 2018, the financial toll cyber breaches took on organizations hit $3.86 million, a 6.4 percent rise from 2017. Before last year’s close, …

Current phishing defense strategies and execution are not hitting the mark
Few professionals are completely confident in their ability to assess the effectiveness of their phishing awareness efforts. In a new paper, Phishing Defense and Governance, …

Safeguarding your data from human error and phishing attacks with the cloud
This is the third article of a series, the first article is available here, and the second one is here. In a world of ransomware attacks, companies should prepare for the …

Take cybersecurity into your own hands: Don’t rely on tech giants
Google doesn’t want you to have to think about cybersecurity at all, similar to how we think about breathing, which sounds like a great idea. However, in all of my years in …

Employees aren’t taking the proper steps to keep information safe while traveling
Employees aren’t taking the proper steps to keep their organizations’ information safe while traveling. ObserveIT surveyed more than 1,000 U.S. employees ages 18 – 65+ who …

Despite rise in security awareness, employees’ poor security habits are getting worse
Despite an increased focus on cybersecurity awareness in the workplace, employees’ poor cybersecurity habits are getting worse, compounded by the speed and complexity of the …

Exploring the current state of employee knowledge in cybersecurity and data privacy
Seventy-five percent of professionals pose a moderate or severe risk to the corporate data of the companies they work for. According to MediaPRO’s third-annual State of …

Every month should be Cyber Security Awareness Month
In 2004, October was deemed National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM). This was an initiative promoted by the National Cyber Security Division (NCSD) within the …

Poor security behavior still evident in most industry sectors
Security behaviors are poor across most industry sectors in Europe and the Unites States regardless of the employees attitudes towards security. In the largest study on …