Cybercriminals impersonating government agencies
GFI Software today announced its top 10 most prevalent threat detections for August 2011. Notable threats last month included spam and poisoned search engine results targeting …
Phishers up their game
An unusually well crafted phishing site posing as the site of a well-known software company has been recently spotted by Symantec. Pushing software products at extremely …
Web Directories site leads to exploit kit and malware
Web Directories, a site designed to help webmasters and site owners find relevant directories, has been compromised and found redirecting its visitors to sites running the …
Mozilla, Tor Project, Yahoo targeted through DigiNotar attack
Following the admission that the rogue SSL certificate that allowed attackers to impersonate Google was missed by auditors and that several dozen other certificates were …
U.S. cities most vulnerable to online threats
Who is most at risk of fraudulent credit card charges, stolen identities, email security breaches or lost personal data? An AVG survey of online and mobile consumer behaviors …
Google blacklisted 247 additional DigiNotar certificates?
New versions of Chrome and Firefox have been released today by Google and Mozilla due to the discovery of a rogue Google SSL certificate being abused in the wild. DigiNotar …
“Free iPads and laptops” Facebook scheme silently lurks
Two years have passed since Michael Jackson’s untimely death, and legions of his fans have, understandably, wished to commemorate his birthday, which falls on August 29. …
Rogue Google SSL certificate missed by auditors
VASCO Data Security International – the owner of DigiNotar, the Dutch Certificate Authority who issued the rogue SSL certificate for * domains that has …
Hurricane Irene scams hit Facebook
As predicted, Hurricane Irene-themed scams have begun spreading on Facebook. The one spotted by Trend Micro fraud analyst Karla Agregado lures users in by offering a chilling …
Fake Facebook friend request, now with hidden iFrame
A slight variation of last week’s Facebook friend request spam email campaign has been spotted targeting the social network’s users, and this one employs a …
Google search results much cleaner than in 2010
It used to be that among the first ten pages of search results for popular terms, up to 90 percent of the offered links would take the users to a malicious page serving …
Is this the phishing email that caused the RSA breach?
“I forward this file to you for review. Please open and view it,” says simply the email that is thought to have been the means of deploying the backdoor that …