Hybrid social engineering attacks
Fraudulent phone calls are increasing in popularity. One possible use for these bogus “bank’ calls is to utilize personal identification information stolen using …
20-fold increase in fraudulent spam
In Q3 2011, the percentage of fraudulent emails in spam traffic increased twenty times, rising from 0.1 per cent last quarter to 2 per cent of all spam traffic in Q3. The …
Why do malicious Android apps come from China?
It seems like every time we hear about a malicious application aimed at Android users, it is always distributed by third-party Chinese app markets. You might wonder why the …
Fake PayPal Account Review Notification doing rounds
An email notification supposedly sent by PayPal saying that an intrusion into the user’s account has been detected is currently hitting inboxes around the world. …
Latest spam trends and predictions for the end of the year
As the percentage of fraudulent emails received by users in the third quarter of 2011 has risen sharply and they represented 2 percent of all received spam emails, Kaspersky …
Five million new malware samples
In the third quarter of 2011 alone, five million new malware samples were created. In addition, Trojans set a record for becoming the preferred category for cybercriminals to …
Fake AV peddlers change their tactics
There has been a decline in rogue AV schemes lately, and researchers chalk it up to a combination of law enforcement and security community efforts and an increased coverage …
Online social networks: Malware launch pads
With the advent of social networks, the online world has become a virtual society. Social networks serve as seamless communication channels, but at the same time they are …
Combating Halloween malware threats
GFI Software released tips for spotting and combating malware attacks and threats in the run up to Halloween. Halloween has now become firmly established as a family event in …
Facebook spammers trick users into sharing anti-CSRF tokens
Facebook spammers have already used a number of different approaches to make users inadvertently propagate their scams, and most of them fall into the social engineering …
Facebook Lottery scam emails making rounds
Offline crooks have had a lot of success with the bogus lottery winning letter scam, so it should come as no surprise it is often “translated” into an email and …
Scammers asking for donations for bogus Steve Jobs charity
Before his death, Apple CEO Steve Jobs was well known for not giving donations to charities or setting up foundations for various humanitarian causes, so it may come as a …